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Jumping up, I pushed my chair back, causing a lot screeching sounds to go off. Everyone stares at me as if I'm insane, asking me what is wrong and what am I doing. "I need to get some fresh air." I marched outside, taking in a deep breath, seeing the string on my left hand go deeper into the pile of houses on the street. What the hell is going on?

"Hey, Tairus! Are you okay? You scared all of us when you suddenly left like that." Tracy said, soothingly. She hugged me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder. "What's going on? You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

Closing my eyes, my throat felt dry. As if I had for some reason swallowed a whole bunch of sand. My mouth was also dry, no matter what. I shrugged, crossing my arms. "I think I just need some time alone." My eyes didn't look at Tracy, I didn't want to see her expression. "I... Just need to take some time to myself. I'm sorry." I say, again.

"I understand, Tairus. Just... Call me if you want to talk." She said goodbye to my parents, stopped by me. She was frozen there for a second, before placing a kiss on my cheek. Her cold lips gave me shivers.

As she walked away, I told my parents I was going to take a short walk. "Be careful, don't stay out too late! If anything happens, give us a call." I thanked them, and ran to see who was attached to the string.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone. They must have thought I meant it on purpose, because they grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me up against a nearby wall. "What do you think you're doing out here so late, kid?" The low voice asked, intimidating.

"I... Am just trying to find someone. I'm sorry for running into you."

"Tsk, apologizes don't always get you through life." He punched me in the gut, causing me to lose my breath. He swung at my face, hitting my eye. When I thought he was finished, he pushed me up against the wall again and slammed my head against it. I blacked out.

Jolting awake, I saw I was still in that very spot. Feeling a sudden burn in my arm, I saw cigarette marks. That bastard put his lit cigarettes on my arm.

Standing up, I had forgotten about the rest of the pain until I took a deep breath in, tears swelling in my eyes. If I go home like this, my parents would question me.

"Are you okay?" I heard a deep but smooth voice ask. Looking up, I noticed my red string is attached to this person.

"I'm... Fine. I just tripped a couple times." I lied.

"No, you're not okay. Come on, I'll take you to my house, I'm sure my parents won't mind me helping someone out." He had a smile on his face, teeth showing. It was contagious, I couldn't help but smile back.

He helped me up, before just picking me up and carefully carrying me to his house. When we got inside, it was dark, with a lamp or two on. He took his shoes off, putting on some slippers. I did the same thing, I saw a small basket of different sized slippers, maybe one for each family member? I put on the one closest to my size, just a little bit bigger but I didn't mind.

I looked around and saw family photos, photos of pets I'm assuming, art pieces, and other things - the list goes on.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that. " He smiled, chuckling. "But it's nice of you  that you did. I never got your name." I was taken out of my train of thought when I heard his voice again. I must have not registered it earlier, but I noticed he had a small accent. "May I ask, what is your name?"

"Oh uh... My name is Tairus, Tairus Ryan. Yours?"

He smiled, god it was cute. Ah, I didn't realize how handsome he was until now. "My name is Timothy Pak. I hope you don't mind the mess we have."

Looking around, it didn't seem at all messy. Like, at all. Everything was even dusted.

"Son, who is here with you?" I heard a man ask from the hallway. "Do you have a friend over so late at night?"

"Sorry, Pap. I uh... Yeah! I have a friend over. Is it okay if they stay the night?" I could tell he was nervous.

"Hm... I'm sure that'll be fine." He seemed to have gone back to his bedroom, or some room, but I could hear him talking to a woman. She wasn't speaking English, but they could understand one another. "Timmy, did you make sure your room is clean?"

Timothy nodded at his father, smiling. "I guess you're staying the night now."

A/n: Hello everyone who reads this! I'm so glad to be back! You'll be seeing new characters now, and I hope you enjoy this book as well :)

My Red String (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now