Is it going to be 1 direction, or five different directions?

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Kaylin and Ciara were in line at mcdonalds waiting to order there food when all of the sudden Niall and Zayn walked through the door. Kaylin and Ciara immediently looked at them in surprise. What was one direction doing at mcdonalds?

Niall and Zayn were walking up to Kaylin and Ciara and they started freaking out! Niall and Zayn walked up and behind Kaylin and Ciara. By now it was there turn to order. They ordered and sat down at a 4 person booth. Right when Kaylin and Ciara sat down and started eating Niall and Zayn sat down right next to them. What were Niall and Zayn, two famous people, sitting next to two girls from colorado?Zayn was sitting next to Ciara and finally Zayn says ," hi." Ciaras face got SOOOOOO red it looked like a tomato. Niall was sitting next to Kaylin and Niall said," how are u guys?" Kaylin says i am good and looks over at Ciara and her face is still beat red."Ummmmmm can u talk?" Zayn asks Ciara."Yah I just cant believe that u are right here next to me. I mean, u are a superstar and I am a small town girl who lives on a farm with cows and chickens. Am I dreaming?""No u arent dreaming." Zayn replied."can..... we ask u a quick question?"" Yah sure what is it ?" Kaylin asked."Whats ur number?"Niall asked. I gave him my number and he gave me his and then Zayn said," what he meant to say was........... will u date us?"

Kaylin and Ciara looked at each other in excitement and then looked at Zayn and Niall. They didnt know what to say. First of all, they were both really shy and dont talk very much, and second of all, THEY WERE BEING ASKED OUT BY ONE DIRECTION!!!!!! Kaylin and Ciara said yes and so when they were done eating Niall and Zayn were walking Kaylin and Ciara home.

_____________The Next Day______________

Kaylin was meeting Ciara at the store and once they saw each other it was non-stop about One Direction. Ciara was texting Zayn and they were talking about where they were going to meet. Ciara said Khol's because that was the store she was at and him and Niall were there in about 5 seconds. Kaylin and Ciara hopped into Zayn's car and they drove off too Zayn's house.

Once they got there they all went to the kitchen without a pause. When they got into the kitchen they saw Liam,louis, and Harry digging around in the fridge. Zayn broke it up and got out some snacks for all of them to eat."Who are...... they?" Liam asked with a questioning and serious look on his face."This is Kaylin and Ciara.....our girlfriends." Niall replied."Ummmm can u follow me to the living room, just the boys." Harry asked politely. Harry said where did u meet them!!!!!! Zayn said at mcdonalds and then Louis Liam and Harry started fighting with Niall and Zayn over Kaylin and Ciara because they all thought we were smoking hot!!!!!

When all they boys came back to the kitchen Kaylin and Ciara looked at the boys and were wondering what they were fighting about. Zayn asked Kaylin and Ciara if they wanted a tour of the house, they both said sure and followed Zayn into the living room." What were you guys fighting about?" Ciara asked Zayn." Its a long story (but it really wasn't) and you guys wouldn't understand (but they would). "

Once the tour was over Louis asked kaylin and Ciara about themselves, Ciara went first. "Well I was born and raised in London and I grew up and I moved here, to Colorado. My parents got divorsed when I was thirteen and my dad moved back London. I have an older brother but he does not live with me, he lives with my dad. I like to sing and play the piano. That is pretty much it for me. "

"What is yours brother name?" Harry asked. "His name is Caleb, he is 19 turning 20 years old.""Now tell me about you, Kaylin." Liam asked." Well I was born in Miami, Florida but I was not raised in Miami. The day after I was born we moved to South Carolina. My dad died of cancer when I was 3. I have an older brother and had a younger brother named Karson and Kodey. Kodey died of cancer when he was 2 just like my dad did. Right after he died we moved to Colorado when I was 10. I like to play soccer and softball and play the guitar. Thats pretty much it."

"Wow. Kaylin explained a lot more than Ciara did." Harry said." Well my mom is going to be wondering I am so can u drop me and Kaylin of , please?"Ciara exclaimed. Zayn said," Yah sure. but first I am going to drop off Liam, Louis and Harry because I don't trust them here alone, sound good?""Yup. No problem." Kaylin and Ciara said at the same time.

         _____________________The Next Week____________________

"Soooo. Is it okay with you that we go to go over to Liam's house because Niall and Zayn are going over there and since you haven't seen Zayn in a long time, or what you call a long time, I was wondering if you wanted to go see him. But they can't pick us up because they are running late so we are going to have to drive there. He lives on 53214 Apple Ave. Denver, Colorado 48436. Wanna come?"Kaylin asked Ciara."Sure, and a week is a very long time. 

  ________________________1 Hour Later_______________________

DING DONG!!! Kaylin and Ciara were at Liam's house in about 5 to 10 minutes. When Kaylin and Ciara got comfortable liam said,"Since now we know you, we can talk about something in front of you." Kaylin and Ciara suddently got uncomfortable again. Louis started," Zayn. You promise breaker. You told me that you wouldn't get a girlfriend unless me Liam and Harry have one."" I know but Ciara was just so  nice and pretty and. I just couldn't help myself." Zayn replied." You know your lying, tell us the truth. Zayn. If the is even ur  real name." Harry screeched."You guys are acting like real brats to Zayn. You were being really nice and then BOOM, your being mean to him. Thats a true friend." Niall exclaimed." And you Niall you told me you wanted someone else in the band to have a girlfriend before you. Promise breaker #2!" Louis yelled. "I never said that. i said i want to be the first one in the band to get a girlfriend. smart one."" Ok Zayn, Niall, you guys are leaving with your braty girlfriends. Good-bye." Liam said and directed his hand towards the door.

  The last time Kaylin and Ciara saw One Direction was that day at liam's. They have texted and talked on the phone for hours but haven't seen them. Kaylin was texting Niall and Ciara, and then Ciara was texting Zayn and Kaylin, and they figured out where they were going to meet, the decided Niall's house because they have to everyone else's but his. They met up and they start talking about Louis,Liam, and Harry."Do you guys think that we should go over to Liam's to apoliguise to them or n-" Zayn got cut-off by the doorbell ringing. Niall went to answer the door and once he opened it he wanted to shut the door right on their faces. It was Liam,Louis, and Harry. " What do you want?" Niall said meanfully. "Can we come in please?" Harry asked "What do u want?" Niall asked again. "We want to apoliguise because of how mean we were to you, Zayn, Kaylin, and Ciara.""Yes you can come in." Liam, Louis, and Harry walked in and sat down on the couch."First of all" Liam exclaimed"I want to say sorry to Niall and Zayn. Niall, I am sorry that i said that you said that you wanted someone else in the band before you get a girlfriend. Zayn, I am sorry i acted so harsh to you. I didn't try to act that way. I just have the harsh side come out more than others. Second of all,i want to say sorry to Kaylin and Ciara for calling you brats. You guys are beautiful just the way you are , dont try to change that."" When we went over to Zayn's house, what were you guys fighting about?" Ciara asked trying not to be mean." We were fighting over how hot you guys are. Like i said, you are beautiful and nobody can change that. I love you all!" After that they had a big hug!!!!

                                                                     THE END!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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