Robbie's Surprise

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Robbie awoke to a pounding at his hatch.

He jumped up and went to the entrance of his lair. He opened the hatch and was surprised to find Sportacus of all people there.

"Hello Robbie." Sportacus smiled.

"Good bye Sportacus." Robbie made to go back down into his lair, but Sportacus made a noise which stopped him. "What?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to play some basket ball with me."

Robbie pretended to think on it for a moment before saying, "mmm... No."

"Please Robbie? We've been planning this for months now." Sportacus pleaded.

Robbie groaned dramatically before going to descend back into his lair.

Again, Sportacus made a noise, but this time he reached out and grabbed Robbie's hand.

Robbie shot a glare at Sportacus that went completely unnoticed by the sports elf.

"Please Robbie?" Sportacus flashed Robbie a pair of puppy dog eyes.

Robbie groaned dramatically again. "Fine. But I won't like it."

Sportacus smiled widely and pulled Robbie out of his lair forcefully, sweeping him in a big bear hug. "I promise you won't regret this!"

"I'm already regretting this." Robbie breathed out to the best of his ability trough the crushing of his lungs.

"Oops." Sportacus gently sat Robbie back on the ground, then excitedly grabbed his hand. "Come on, let's go play!" Before running off with Robbie's hand in his.

Robbie tried to keep up, but by the time he got to the court, he was super winded.

"Wow, Robbie, you're already winded and we haven't even started playing yet." Sportacus poked Robbie's cheek playfully.

Robbie glared at Sportacus until he got his breath back.

"Okay I think that's enough exercise for the day, I'm ready for a nap." Robbie started to head back to his lair, only for Sportacus to reach out and grab his hand again.



"At least play one round of basket ball with me." Sportacus pleaded.

Robbie sighed dramatically. "Why are you so insistant on this? And where are the kids?"

"Don't worry about the kids, my crystal will alert us if anything bad happens to them."

"Okay but why are you so insistiant that I play with you?"

"Because we never get to hang out and you're as much a part of this town as the kids."

Robbie blushed a bit, looking down. "Okay I will play one round with you, but after that, I'm headed to my lair to take a nap."

"Fair enough. Thank you for this Robbie. Like I said, you won't regret this decision."

"That has yet to be seen."

They played one-on-one basket ball until Robbie fell and scraped his knee, forcing them to quit for their own safety.

They had only been out for about an hour or two but Robbie had thoroughly enjoyed himself up until that point, even if he did suck at basket ball.

After treating Robbie's wound with his first-aid kit, Sportacus took Robbie back to his lair.

"Thanks for getting me out of my lair for a little while." Robbie muttered sheepishly.

"No problem. Can I come into your lair for a bit?" Sportacus smiled.

Robbie thought for a moment. "Uh, sure."

Sportacus smiled larger and flipped into Robbie's lair with Robbie following him down the ladder.

When he reached the bottom, he turned on a light and nearly died when all the kids, the mayor, and Ms. Busybody jumped out from around the living room and yelled a hearty, "surprise!"

Well, he didn't actually have a near death experience, but his heart did skip a beat.

"Happy birthday, Robbie!" Stephanie called out, running up to hug Robbie.

Robbie teared up some as he gently hugged Stephanie back.

"How did you all know it was my birthday?" He asked, his voice getting caught in his throat.

"I did a bit of research." Pixel stated, looking proud.

Robbie put his hands to his face and started crying with a smile playing at his lips. "You guys are too much." He whimpered.

"Why don't you open your presents now?" Ziggy offered, handing Robbie a colorful box with a bow on it.

Robbie opened the box to see a half-eaten space of cake.

"I got hungry on the way here." Ziggy admitted sheepishly.

"Thank you, Ziggy." Robby said, tears still running down his face.

"Mine next!" Stephanie handed Robbie a gift bag.

Robbie opened the bag and puled out the chocolate chip cookies that were in there.

"Thank you, pink one who's name I can never remember." Robbie blubbered.

Stephanie laughed. "My name is Stephanie."

"Ah, Stephanie, right."

"Me next!" Trixie handed Robbie a large box.

When Robbie opened this one, it was a picture of him and Sportacus dressed as each other for Halloween. This made Robbie cry even harder as he laughed.

The rest of the gifts were all sweets, except Sportacus' which was a tooth brush.

"Thank you. All of you. This means so much to me." Robbie sobbed.

He then turned to Sportacus. "Did you drag me out so everyone could set this up?"

Sportacus smiled sheepishly. "Yeah..."

Robbie engulfed Sportacus in a big hug. "Thanks. I appreciate it Sport."

"No problem Robbie." Sportacus hugged him back.

All the kids and everyone else ralleyed around for a group hug.

"Alright. Who wants cake?" Stephanie offered.

"Cake?" Robbie asked, quite intrigued.

Everyone laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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