Before The Prologue

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Before The Prologue

Hey guys! So, when I'm reading books I absolutely cannot stand freaking author's notes. So I'm going to make one big one right here! So please at least read my few rules before continuing! :)

1. PLEASE do not in any way copy this work. It is mine. I work very hard at keeping up with updates and coming up with the ideas of what to write in my head. Writing isn't easy.

2. DON'T be afraid to politely message me if you want me to check out your work. But please don't advertise in my comments on my story. This is my story, I'd like to go through the comments and read actual comments. Not advertisement.

3. THIS is my first story. Ever. I'm seventeen years old, there will be grammatical errors. Point then out to me politely and I will fix them.

4. ENJOY the book. :).

Okay guys so the prologue is on the next page, but if you want to know a little about me I'll post a little Q&A below!

Q: What's your name?

A: That, my friend, is a secret. The entire reason I joined is so I can stay anonymous. That way my friends, or family for that matter, don't know who I am until I want them to.

Q: How old are you?

A: I'm seventeen. :)

Q: Do you expect your story to be popular?

A: Absolutely not. Do I want people to read it? Of course. I want people to love and enjoy this book as well. But do I think it will make it to even 200 of what's hot? No. But I hope so in the future!

If you read this far, thank you so much! And enjoy the book. :D

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