Chapter 1 - Where is he?

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Lizzie’s P.O.V:

I was searching all around; Kevin was nowhere to be found. The club wasn’t that great. Filled with British Asians mostly, and the music was foreign, had no idea what language I was listening to. Tatiana was there, she was one of my class mates at school, we didn’t have much in common, but she was good company, since Kevin wasn’t there. Finally an English song played pitbull actually, and that’s when the entire freshman board present at that club from the Oxford University hit the dance floor. Tia and a couple more people pleaded me to dance with them, I really didn’t want to, didn’t know how anyway, but why not? So basically I dance according to “rhythm”. I just like to make it seem professional, what I do is, I either snap my fingers or clap my hands to the rhythm of the music.  If there was a list of the worst dancers on the planet, I would at least be in the top 5. I didn’t know anyone who was worse. So I was snapping my fingers like I retard, until I glanced at a direction and thought I saw Kevin.  He was technically my boyfriend, or at least that’s what people saw us as. We weren’t really serious, I actually don’t know why I’m going out with him, he wasn’t hot or anything and neither was I, we definitely didn’t suit each other. Funny thing is, we knew that, but somehow were still together. I just wanted to go home really, got sick of this club fever. We’ve been going to a different club every Friday night for 2 months, and I just can’t handle it anymore. The idea of drinking alcohol disgusted me in a way. I never sipped a drink, not even beer. Kevin, however lived on alcohol, I know that it’s a stimulant and that you get addicted and shit, but it’s basically what he lives for. I followed the spiky haired man; I didn’t even tell Tia where I was headed to, for I just wanted him to drive me home.  It didn’t turn out to be him, so I just decided to take a cab. I used the backdoor though, I didn’t want to be seen, if a relative or close family friend seemed to pass by this club at the same time I went out, what would they think of the daughter of Mr.Litani? I’ve already made them proud by enrolling at Oxford; don’t need to ruin the moment.  People say I’m the smart one, on the contrary, I believe I’m the dumbest idiot alive. It was a miracle that I passed school, even a bigger miracle that I chose to pursue university, now the biggest shock, was when I, Lizzie Litani got accepted at oxford. The family went wild, my mom had planned about five parties, and she invited almost everyone we knew so that they could congratulate me on my huge success. I really couldn’t care less, I just wanted to become a pediatrician as fast as possible and help children in need. I come from a colossal family. I have this Lebanese ancestry, that’s where my surname comes from. They say it’s the name of a certain river in Lebanon, others say it was initially a Moroccan family; I say it’s just a random name with no meaning. The Litani family is worldwide; there are plenty of us at many different regions in the world, mostly in America though. I have at least 20 cousins, and that’s just from my dad’s side, I have another 20 from my mom’s side. But then I have 40 second cousins! Not only that, I even have third and fourth cousins as well! I think my family alone can definitely exceed a hundred people easily. Being partly Lebanese isn’t bad; I actually really like our traditions and culture, the best part is the food! My mom is British though, from Yorkshire, she and my dad met in college, they studied at Cambridge. She’s also this incredible chef, and I hope that one day I can inherit her cooking skills. I have a sister, called Annabelle; she is simply beautiful, with long blonde hair, olive green and fiery eyes, a beautiful complexion, her skin was the softest white, and her voice was pretty startling, she was definitely way more attractive than I am, I’m practically trash compared to her. I am, without a doubt the ugly duckling in the family. I have two brothers, one older by a year or so and another younger by seven years. My older brother, Logan, was sort of remote to us all. We barely hear from him, I mean he lives in the house and all, or at least we think he does. We were close once, when we were younger, he was my first best friend. Then Annabelle came along, I think she broke us up, he must have grown jealous or something, but after he graduated from high school we started communicating again, that we started watching cinema together a few months ago, I’m really ecstatic about us getting back together. Annabelle and I are inseparable, we grew very fond of each other when we became teenagers, and now at the age of 18, and Anna at 16, if there is a word that could express how close we are other than sisters, than that’s it. My youngest brother Joey is basically the cutest thing on this planet! I love him so much; I’m like his second mother! My parents are amazing; I am so blessed to have them, although my dad may be over protective at times, and I mean seriously over, over protective. When he and Kevin first met, he told me that his instincts weren’t good. He had this small intuition that Kevin is not the one. I knew that, but he was just a person I would hang out with, maybe we’d occasionally kiss, but they wouldn’t last more than two minutes. I’m not that stubborn girl that never listens to her parents, I mean I have been quite cautious with Kevin, I did take in what my dad told me, but so far nothing happened.  As I stepped out of the back door, I saw a group of guys wearing leather jackets smoking weed. I didn’t want to attract attention and quickly glanced away. I quickened my pace; they seemed like those gangster boys and all that. The worst inventions in the world, in my opinion, are heels. I hate them. I don’t even know why I bought a pair. In the first place my girlfriends told me that I have to get a pair for this party, I found these nice black pumps that were six inches long. I didn’t need to look any taller, for I was about five foot nine. That was the first time I ever wore heels and I was fifteen. Never liked them never will, and I regretted wearing them tonight, big time.  As I was walking to the road, I heard a voice calling me. “Lizzie, get your ass here!”

Authour's Note:

Hey guys, how'd my first chapter go? Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions. Keep on reading, trust me when i tell you, it gets way better than this! I promise, this will be the BEST fan fiction you will ever read! xx

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