The beginning

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This is not a happy story or one with an ending where everything works out but I look at it as you can either learn from it or run from it...

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor when I was 12 years old I have a Mixiodchondrasycoma it's very rare and only 4 other people in the world have it I have had 7 brain surgery's including the highest dose of radiation a human being can have including gamma knife. I also have a spinal shunt to drain my brain fluid to my spine so my body can absorb it because I can't do it myself. My 6th surgery I almost didn't make it I had lost so much blood my heart almost stopped but they managed to save me and now I'm a happy go lucky 16 year old girl who stays at home watching Netflix all day

My father is an arsonist and set 3 of my childhood houses on fire he also sent a bomb threat to one of the biggest factory in my small town of blue hills and now this is my story...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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