Chapter 1: When a bad day ends with a smile

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Hello everyone! @ionica01 gave these prompts for me to write on Tumblr and combing them it became a two shot fanfiction! Lo, this small piece of work is dedicated to you and your amazing stories with lots of love from me!

Disclaimer: Assassination classroom and its characters do not belong to me!

Prompt: 1. "If my day gets any worse, I'm asking hell if they're having an exchange program."

Prompt: 2. "I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind."

Somewhere Close

Chapter 1: When bad day ends with a Smile

Manami yawns. She has been preparing reports and observations since morning. Her fingers felt stuck and her head ached. She pulled her glasses off her face and rubbed her eyes. Cleaning them carefully, she put them on again.

Three more reports to write.

The moment her fingers hovered over the keys of laptop again, her phone rang. The screen displayed Karma-kun in bold letters. Her fingers involuntarily grabbed the cell phone and swiped against the screen to accept it.

"Hello! Karma-kun?"

"Yo. Okuda-san." The weariness in his voice was visible even over the phone. She could even imagine him rubbing the bridge of his nose and temple in irritation.

"Yes, Karma-kun. Are you alright?"

A short laugh reaches her ears and then he says, "Never mind me. But are you free tonight?"

I need someone to talk. Was left unsaid. But thankfully for him, she still heard it.

She looked at the files and folders strewn across her table.

Three more reports, right? She should to be able to finish them if she skips her breaks and works half hour extra.

"Yes I am."

"Great! I'll come to pick you up, kay? When should I come?" Maybe it's just her assumption but he sounds a little glad.

"Can you come at 6:45?" she finds her lips curling into a smile. His excitement is a little contagious.

"Okay! I'll be there!" A second later karma hangs up.


When her work is done, it's almost 6:50. She pulls her stuff up and races down the stairs, only to be met with the sight of him leaning against his car, blazer gone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His careful hairstyle had become slightly messier. He held a coffee in his hands and his golden eyes were focused on the road.

Knowing him, it was an act. To let the females on this side gushing over him, that he was not interested. Manami almost exits the lab when a hand falls over her shoulder. Her head swivels and she comes face to face with her senior – Hijikata-san.

"Okuda-san? Are you done for today?" the older woman smiles.

"Yes Mam."

"That's great to know! Normally, we'd have to drag you out of the lab to send you home." She laughs and Manami smiles awkwardly, shifting on her foot repeatedly, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.

Maybe the woman notices her discomfort and gasps, "Oh my god! He's here! Isn't he?" then poking her head out from her side she sees Karma.

"Shoo! Girl. Go!" And a second later Manami finds herself out of the labs.

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