Prologue chapter 1

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Chara POV
(Chara chuckle) I said so this  huh finally I beat that comedian so frisk are you ready to take down the king.
Frisk said chara I don't wanna do this anymore please let's reset!. Chara said no! We are not going to reset we gotten this far and I'm not going to let you ruin it for me. (Frisk said .... *walks to the reset button*) chara *look at frisk and said wait what are you doing frisk no! Please don't reset. Frisk said I'm sorry chara but I can't go on like this I just wanna see my friends again and get a happy ending * press the reset button* chara said noooooo-!

(Chara enter a new world) chara x Frieza Where stories live. Discover now