Lovely [M]

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Minho's POV

"Fan's don't really catch my attention, but that one girl in the middle of the line...I can't stop looking at her," I whisper to my right, which just so happens to be Key.

He turns towards me and whispers, "We aren't supposed to date fans."

"Hyung, you're dating a fan right now," Taemin pipes up from my left causing me to smile smugly.

"I'm an exception. And so is she. Some of our fans are scary. I love them, but they're scary," he replies looking slightly annoyed. I don't blame him, though. He gets annoyed whenever someone brings her up since they had been fighting recently because he hasn't had the time to see her, but they're so in love that it will eventually pass.

Onew replies slightly louder from the front of our lineup, "Hey, our fans are the best! Everyone else's fans are insane, ours are sweet. They usually respect us much more than other groups' fans. Did you see what happened to Bangtansonyeondan at the airport?"

Upon hearing Onew speak, some fans scream quietly. There's no way that they could have heard what they were talking about, but he still got a reaction out of them. He turns towards our now growing audience and smiles his toothy smiles and waves, skillfully doing aegyo. Key scowls at him. Taemin begins to mimic his movements in an over-exaggerated way causing me to laugh.

I look up at the girl in the middle of the line and catch her grinning at me...or was it Key? Taemin? Either way, the thought of it being someone else makes me extremely jealous. This is weird, why am I feeling this way? This never happens to me...

Your POV

You clutch at the present you brought as the person you intended to bring it for sweeps his gaze over you. Or, was it someone else? Someone behind you? Someone in front of you? There was no way you could know, but either way, you're just excited you could meet the person you've looked up to for years and years. 

At first, the line feels like it's taking forever to move, but the closer you get, the faster the line goes, leaving you more and more terrified to talk to your four idols. One was missing, but you knew that he would always be watching over the other four so, in a way, you were meeting the five most important people to you. 

"Hi," you say breathlessly to Onew. Your heart is racing because of your nerves, but he smiles brightly at you, soothing your nerves almost instantly because of his bright personality. 

"Hello, what's your name?" He signs the album you had bought previously at the entrance. 

"Y/N," you say nervously.

He writes your name and a small message to you and says, "Y/N, that's really pretty. I like it." He slides the album towards Key and says, "It was really nice meeting you! I'll see you later!" Your eyes involuntarily widen in shock as you realize your five minutes with him was up. You begin to feel nervous again as you move closer to Key and the person you've always looked up to for so much. 

"Hi," he smiles slightly at you, quickly signing his name and writing a small message. 

"Hi," you breathe nervously.

"And what's your name?" He glances up from what he was writing and stares into your eyes.

"Y-Y/N," you stutter out, flustered by the sudden eye contact.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N, how are you doing?" he smiles.

"Good, h-how are you?" you ask nervously. 

He chuckles and sticks two thumbs up while saying, "I'm good!" 

A soft buzzer goes off signaling your time with him has passed. He slides your album over to Minho, who is the one you were most nervous to see. "Goodbye, Y/N, I think we'll be seeing each other again soon," he winks. You get confused by this but decide to ignore it since you're about to meet your ultimate bias. 

"Hey," Minho says. It may be in your mind but he looks slightly nervous. 

"Hi," you manage not to stutter. This brings a surge of bravery allowing you to calm down, although, there's still heat trapped in your face. 

"What's your name?" he asks quietly, gazing into your eyes.

"Y/N," you smile at him. 

He smiles back widely, "That's a beautiful name." He begins signing your album and writes a message that's quite longer than the other messages. You stare at it and wonder what it could be but he reaches out and pulls your chin up so you have to look at him. 

"It's a secret, okay?" He blushes slightly. 

"O-okay," you stammer and feel even more heat flood to your face. He glances towards the table shyly, causing you to look down too. All of a sudden, you see the present you bought specially for him, "Oh!" 

"Oh, what?" he asks.

You bend down to get the gift then hand it to him with shaking hands, "It's not much but it's all I could do."

He smiles at you, "Thank you so much!" The buzzer goes off, leaving you sad, but he motions for you to stay as he quickly opens it to reveal a necklace with an orange flame. "I really love it," he grabs your hand, gives it a quick squeeze, then turns his attention to the next fan in line.

You move on to Taemin reluctantly, but you immediately feel bad about it and smile brightly at him, all nervousness erased since you had already seen Minho.

"Hiya," he smiles cutely. 

"Hi!" you grin back. 

"Soo...what's your name?" he asks while scrawling out yet another message. 

"Y/N," you reply.

"Cute," he ends his message with a flourish causing you to giggle. He reads the other messages then looks up to say, "It looks like I might be seeing you again..."

"What do you mean?" you ask. This is the second time one of them had said something like that to you. 

The buzzer buzzes and Taemin hands the album back to you and just smiles. "You'll see."

You take the album, being careful not to brush his fingers with yours, then walk down the stairs. When you get outside, you read the messages. The one that catches your eye, though, is Minho's.

Hey. Uhm, I usually don't do this. Actually, this is the first time I have. Anyways, I think you're extremely beautiful. If you would like to go out sometime, my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please don't share it with anyone though. If you don't want to go out, it's fine, I understand.

Your heart races as you look over the message a second time. You immediately pull out your phone without thinking and message him.

Hey. :) It's Y/N from the fanmeet today. I would love to go out with you sometime! Feel free to message me whenever you're free. xxx

You send it before you can chicken out and delete it. You then begin the long, anxious wait that would take around 4 hours. The longest 4 hours of your life. 


Hi everyone! My name is Cat. Thank you so much for reading. I hope that you liked it. Requests are open as of right now, but it will always be in the description if they are or not. I don't take requests for Jonghyun, though, because I don't feel comfortable with it. I find it more painful to pretend everything is okay. This just got depressing so I'm just going to yeet myself out, bye!

Have a nice day!

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