Tal Fishman added Adi Fishman,Anthony Rivera,Michael Rosillo,David Rose,Jojo Sim,Nick Mayorga,Cenna Rashidi to the group chat
Tal:Hey everyone
Adi:What tf is this?
Tal:A group chat
Anthony:Tal why did you do this
Tal:Why not?
Michael:He did it cuz he is retarted
Jojo:Congrats Tal you made a boring ass group chat
Cenna:He is right,Imma leave cuz this is so FUCKING BORING
Tal:Y'all aren't real friends
Nick:Adi wanna come over
David:Tal wtf is this?
Tal:If y'all wanna leave then leave
David:Bye bitches
Jojo:Yeah imma leave too
Michael:Yeah Bye betch
Tal::(Omg this is so fucking bad like wtf?
Anyways I would like it if you left some ideas
Anyways,gotta go