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It was raining heavily that night. Thunder and lightning was booming and blitzing. The Impala was parked just outside the run down motel, drops of rain sliding off the top, pooling on the hood.

Dean was laying on the hard, smelly bed. Sam was looking through some books on Pagan rituals. You were in the small kitchen, eating left over burger and fries.

Sam flipped a page in a book, while Dean groaned obnoxiously. You rolled your eyes, still stuffing your face. Sam looked up from his book and knitted his brows, looking at you. You shrugged, chomping on fries. Sam pointed to Dean and made a weird face.

You started laughing hard, and inhaled some fries. Your look of joy became one of concern and fear. You couldn't breathe. You started choking, trying to get the fries out of your lungs. Sam stood up, and immediately set into action, trying to free the fries from your lungs.

Finally, the fries flew free from your lungs. You inhaled deeply, glad to be able to breathe again. You thanked Sam, and gave him a huge hug. He smiled a little, wrapping his arms around you. You let go of him and went back to eating.

Finally, you looked to Dean. On his face was a look of awe and disgust. He swallowed thickly, then made gagging noises. "I'm never eating fries again," he said, laying back down on the bed.

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