Su head-canon dump

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Time for some random headcanons!
*Steven likes to sneak out at night, put on the same outfit he had in Sadie's Song and sing songs for the people of beach city. he thinks that nobody knows, but a the gems know and don't really care.
*Garnet has become a huge gamer after meat beat mania. She's super competitive and nearly broke Steven's tv once when she lost a round of super smash bros. She swears constantly after she loses, and whenever steven is in the room the gems have to cover his ears.
*Amethyst is actually a very talented artist. She views it as t type of therapy with all of the things going on with rose being a diamond and all.
*Holly Blue secretly loves human food. She steals some from the zoo when the humans and amethysts aren't looking.
*Peridot and Padparascha are metaphors for autistic and special needs children.
*Peridot picked up sleeping from amethyst and lapis, and usually dozes off whenever she's bored.
That's it for now :T
So one of these i kiiiiinda stole from tumblr, but that's only because I believe them too :I

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