It's All Fake!

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Chapter 1

It's All FAKE!

- Adrianna -

'Hey! That's mine!' I yelled, the whole cafeteria full of students stared at me weirdly. I scowled. I just want my food, and I wouldn't disturb anyone.

'Oh, grumpy. Come on, Adrian! Let's have some fun.' Charles said. 

Charles is my idiot of a best friend. He is an idiot.

'Give me my food, Charles!' I growled. I'm crazy if it's about food. I go all ninja on you if you touch,breath or/and even eat my food. They are my precious.(goes all smigurl(S/P), you know that lord of the rings creature)

'No can do Adri. You come with me, I give you your food.' Charles said nonchalantly. I growled then whimpered at the sight of my food away from me. I could feel tear welled up as I eyed my food. 

'Aww Adri, don't cry. ' And as soon as I saw the food at my reach, I grabbed it.

'HEY! No fair!' Charles whined.

'It's food Charles, you know how it gets me.' I said as I looked for a table to sit. Hmmm, cheerleaders? Jocks or Nerd/ Goth?



I walk towards an empty table and sat down as I waited for Charles to come. I waited as I ate my food but no idiot of mine came. I turned around to see Charles fuming in annoyance. 'Why can't you just come with me?' He whined.

'Fine, let me finish my food.' As I grobbled up the food as fast as I could and I brought the tray to a nearby disposable bin and stuffed it there.

' What do you want?' I said as I approached a now smiling Charles. 'Come on follow me.' With that he  pulled me by the wrist and dragged me to who knows where. 

We passed class room after class room but never stopped. My hand started to feel numb and my legs was a bit wobbly.

'Charles, my wrist hurts.' I said as pain shot through the hand Charles were gripping on. I could feel no blood has flowed back and forth in my hand. 'Charles No blood is flowing through my hand!' 

'Opps SORRY!!!!!' He apologized. 'Here we are!!'

'What is this?' As I stared at the object in front of-- okay there's no object what so ever. Why did he bring me here?

'This is our new hide out!!' This!  I was annoyed but still smiled when Charles started skipping around the place. He is such an idiot but he is my idiot. He was smiling like an idiot would and that cracked me up.

'Okay serious though' after sucking up my last laugh. 'why did you bring me here?' I knew something was wrong.

'Adrianna! Can't you just enjoy?' He said still smiling, but it was a you-know-me-so-well smile. Crap he is up to something, I can smell it and it smells fishy.

'Charles.' I growled. He sighed. I knew it. He brushed his brown hair out of his face and stare at me with his grey eyes. Grey eyes, I fell in love.

'There's this girl.'  Uh, A girl, wow, did you hear that, I think I heard my heart crack.

'And please do continue.' I said in a super bitchy-slash-girly way. When it comes to Charles and girls. It's a rare occasion. He doesn't fall in love easily.

'And I like her.' Well duh.

'And.... Adrianna please be my girlfriend?' 

What! Huh! I thought, what? I stared at him as if he has 10 heads. He has completely gone nuts. ' Idiot of a best friend say what?'

' She thinks I have that commitment issues and '

' I think you do have commitment issues.' I admitted.

'And I want you to prove to her that I don't have commitment issues.' He said without even caring about what I just said.

' I just agreed with what she thinks how am I suppose to do that?.' I exclaimed. He continued smiling. 


'You're an idiot! You know that?' I said, tying my brown into a messy bun.

'I know. But you have to be my fake girlfriend!' He begged. I shocked my head 'no',a lock of my brown hair fell, this is just stupid and it doesn't make sense.

'Why should I?'

'Because you love me.' I froze. He couldn't know, right? Jessica? Kelsey? Erica? Who could have told him--

'Adrian? You kay?' I nodded 'Yes'.

'I was saying, Because you love me, because I'm your ONLY idiot best friend, so you are kinda forced t do so...' I relaxed. He wouldn't know. There was no way.

'No, why would I love an idiot?' I faked. He frowned. 

'Awwww. C'mon! I know you do.'

'What do I get if I be your fake girlfriend?'

' Nick.' And I froze again. 

I lied to Charles saying I liked Nick. We were playing truth or dare. The dare was to kiss him. And the truth was 'Who did I like?' . I would've chose the dare but, that would be too obvious, so I lied and said I liked Nick. I know it's supposed to be the truth but I can't risk my friendship with Charles. So Nick was the safest bet, the classic hottest guy in school type of guy, but he had always been a bit wild for me and plus his eye colour kinda swallows my soul.

I'll never admit it, but I love Charles' eyes. Grey with hint of purple. Cliché but I'm in love with my best friend. Yadi-da-di-dah, but he doesn't feel the same way, you know gut feeling... woman intuition?

I stare at Charles as he talked about the mystery girl. She's beautiful, and funny and when she laughs it just melts my heart and she isn't picky and-


Now I'm helping the guy I'm in love to wheel in a girl I don't even know. Sigh. Why! Why God. 'What's her name?' I said suddenly and that seemed to shock him.

'Na- Name?' 

'Yea, like you know, a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to..' I sit down on the grass feeling exhausted. 'Ermm...' He scratched the back of his head. Does he even know her name?

'You don't know her name?'

'I do but-- I mean! I don't! Ha-ha! Yes sirrie I don't know her name! Silly me, you saw right through me.' He said it too quick but I dropped it. Don't wanna get suspicious now.

'Fine I'll be your 'fake girlfriend'. I sighed, maybe I could take advantage of this.

'REALLY?!' And he came running to me hugging me in the process. 'Really? really?!' He  repeated again and again. 'You better shut up or I'll change my mind!' I warned.

'Okay.. Okay. Okay... Okay. Shutting up right now.' And Charles started running around like an idiot. Shouting 'She said yes.' repeatedly.

'What have I gotten myself in to?' I whispered to myself so that Charles can't hear me. 

*** A/N *** *** ***

So how was that? Was it okay? Okay. So I'm gonna stop blabbering and you can go comment or vote.

Still next time.. TTYL. :D

**** It's All Fake! ****

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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