Chapter 1

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"Ugh, I hate chem. I hate that we have to do it in order to graduate."  I grumble to my friend as we head to class

"How do you know Aspen? You haven't even had it yet." She pulls out a piece of gum and offers me one, which I gladly take.

"I did a little bit of it in 8th grade and I sucked at it." We arrive to the door and take a breath before we go in.

The room was filled with mostly familiar faces but not ones that I hang out with. We chose to sit in desk that were located in the back. A few minutes passed and the bell rang. Our teacher still hasnt arrived.

"I heard he is new." Waverly says to me. I shrug my shoulders and pop my gum.

"If the teacher isn't here in the next 15 minutes, we are legally allowed to leave." One of the guys says loudly. The whole class bursts into laughter just as the teacher comes through the door

"Sorry about that class. I was having trouble finding my way here." The class does down as he started his intro.

"Good afternoon class, my name is Mr. Mendes. A little bit about me is that I have been teaching for a while but I am new to this school. So hopefully this year will be great." He sends a beautiful smile to the whole class.

Waverly passes me a folded up piece of paper.

"He is hot!!" I look at her and silently giggle at myself.

"I know." I write back and give it to her.

"Alright so let's do attendance." He take out the paper and begins calling out names.

"Aspen Blake?" He looks up from his paper.

"Here." I raise my hand and catch his attention

"That's a beautiful name." He smiles and makes me blush.

I look at Waverly and shes open her mouth in disbelief.

The whole class period was filled with me watching him ever so closely. How he moved his mouth on different words. Or when he rolled up his sleeve to write on the board. He was young for a teacher.

The bell rang interrupting my observation. I quickly collected my things and packed them up,making my way to the door.

"He is officially the hottest teacher I have ever had!" Waverly exclaims as soon as we get into the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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