you tried to insult me to death (but i still fell in love with you)

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based on the prompt: "I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till I woke up."

Overall the party was really nice. Nothing too fancy, just a casual getting together, celebrating they are finally done with the finals (or more like they are free from them up to make-up exam session). Maybe it was even more like Ambar finding an excuse to invite this girl over, about who they couldn't stop nagging her over. She was apparently younger from her, more evil from her and they clicked on immediately.

Matteo opened a can of a beer. He was about to drive home later at night, cause being in the same house, where his ex was about to get really close with some emo girl was too much for him. Fantasies about some hot girls making out were okay. But if one of them was his a bit weird ex and the other some goth queen, he'd rather pass on that.

Thankfully Ramiro his best uni buddy was here with him. However he chose the path of getting really shit wasted that night. He had good reasons for it, cause failing 3 out 5 exams, may suck a bit. At first Matteo was this super supportive friend, he offered to drive them here, then he was patting his back after he drank too much shots at ones and whispered, which girls are 8 out of 10 or higher, so he totally should get on with one of them tonight.

Seeing him now after 0,7l bottle of vodka trying to pick on some underage girl made Matteo realize some things might be now getting out of control and he rushed to save his friend from himself and some real bad decisions. Ramiro was supporting himself on the table next to him, his fingers constantly going through his hair, that turned it into a wild mess.

"I just offered you the best fashion advices. Appreciate, how your older friend gives away these precious pieces for free." His tone easily betrayed, how drunk he was. He sat on the edge of the table smiling proudly of himself and his generosity. "And if you do something with your hair too, you could really look decent." He nodded his head with approval for his own words.

"Ugh, could you shut up finally? You might be a good dancer, but overall you are a douchebag." Redhead girl lost her nerves, however, instead of leaving, she kept on going, how rude he was, and she just lost her time with him. That was the worst thing about girls Matteo thought to himself taking a sip of the beer when approaching these two. They never knew, when to shut up and save the tiny rests of dignity. At least Ramiro wasn't tiny bit bothered by her harsh words, just leaned on the wall and closed his eyes, probably getting some nap.

"Hey, hey. Can you stop being so annoying? Find some people your age and stop bothering adults" These words made her boil inside, her face reached almost the same shade as her hair. She opened and closed her mouth few times before she let the rage on. He didn't care the slightest, what she now had to say, just nudged Ramiro, so he could move and nap on some sofa instead of table.

"Please, you little chihuahua, can you stop barking?" Her chatter gave him a headache and he truly rarely got those. Thankfully Ramiro got his ass up finally and let him guide to the nearest armchair, where he immediately fell asleep again.

"One gone" Commented Ambar approaching Matteo. She was smoking a cigarette, an addiction she picked on recently and didn't want to gave up. He nodded looking, how their friend curled himself into the ball and seemed not bothered at all neither by loud music nor people chattering lively around him.

"And how is your things with goth queen going?" Okay, he just asked, because there wasn't around anybody interesting enough to give up on Ambar's company and maybe at least she would give him something to laugh about. The blond in response just rolled her eyes at him, knowing him too well to reveal any of her private stuff.

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