Chapter 4 - The day after

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POV Lorena

When I walked into his room, he was already sitting on his couch and looked at me with a amused but still sexy sight at me. „What?“, I’ve asked. Kinda with a to unconfident voice. „nothing“, he replied, „I just really do like your pyjama“. I blushed. This made him only laughing harder. Great.

„So which movies do you wanna watch huh?“ he asked me, still amused. „Erm what kind of movies do you own?“ „Every.“ „you are a bad boy, aren’t you?“ He only gave me a big grin.

After watching all episodes of American Pie, we decided to get some alk. :P Yeah I know I was only 16 but what ever.. we were still both kinda heart borken .. but being here with him and just talk about everything…does make me feel much better.


POV Zayn

I opened my eyes…just to realise that my skull is booming… I have a big hangover -.- no doubt.


Then i looked to my left…were a girl was sleeping… A girl ?  


I looked more clearly… oh luckely it was just Lorena…

As I stood up, coz I really needed to pee… I saw clothes everywhere and noticed that I was naked… damn it! I went to my wardrobe to get me some boxers…then I went in Lorena’s room to get her some pants aswell.. back in my room I dressed them her on…coz she was still sleeping.. to mention it was only 5am…I put all our cothes away.. just to hope that no one will ever know what happened last night…

I went back into my bed..just not as close as before to Lorena.


POV Lorena

Rise and Shine.. yeah totally coz the sun woke me up this morning…wow it was aready 11am.. but Zayn was still sleeping next to me….awww

Waaiiit what?????? Zayn is next to me??? We are in one bed??
I dare to take a look under the blanket. ----------- Thank goodness we both were wearing pants.

„Ouuwww“, I whimper. My head is hurting really bad.


What happened yesterday? I only remeber that we watched some movies…talked alot… and he offered me to stay in his room.. coz we were both tired… and we are just friends.


I know that Harry wouldn’t be happy seeing me in his room…even nothing happened. So I decited to sneak out of Zayn’s room into mine.

I was nearly at the end oft he corridor…when is pushed into someone.
my eyes opened wide O_O it was Harry shit!

« What are you up to little one ? », he asked me. «  I..erm…me..I..erm » , I stottered and blushed.

„Why aren’t you in your room?“ „Why were you in Zayn’s?“, he asked me….with a face like..*not accepting lies*

„Well we watched movies and talked the whole night and yeah I was to tired to go into my he offered me to stay with him“.  „Not more?“, he asked me still not believing me. „yes that’s all I know.“ With this sentence I made my way away from him into my room.

I didn’t was up to eat something today so I stayed to whole day in my room. When I was up to sleep, someone knocked at my door. „yeshh?“, I said sleepy. „Erm hi,“ Zayn said, „I just wanted to know if you are okay…since you didn’t come down today.“ „Everything ok, don’t worry…I only had a bad hangover that’s all,“ I I replied. „Well then I’m glad, sorry about the hangover,“ Zayn said with a gulty sound in his voice. „Don’t worry, it’s my fault that I got one not your…goodnight“.

I closed my eyes…didn’t even wait till he’s outside.

I know this wasn’t really polite…but I was so exhausted.


1 Month later

POV Lorena

Since the boys are on tour...2 weeks now...the house was really empty.. and I was feeling lonely.

Cara could move in next one more week loneliness.

Puhh I was really hungry…so I decided to cook me something…I found some chicken in the fridge..and started to cook.

I better hadn’t do this..coz after I stared eating…I suddenly felt really unwell and run tot he bath. Ugh

Back in the kitchen I noticed at the package that the date of expiry was a week ago…awesome -.-


6 days later

POV Lorena

„No Lor, I will get some medecine for you. I will be at your house tomorrow moring. Love you gooodnight“, with this sentence Cara ended our phonecall.

Since I wasn’t feeling great lately…Cara decided to go to the get me some medecine..

At the beginning I thougt that was the chicken’s fault…but when I was still throwing up 3 days afterwards…it started to be really weird.

I felt asleep in the middle on my thoughts.

*riiiinggg* *riiiiiiingggg*

Ugh these were the annoying doorbells of Harry, I was in a bad mood untill I realised that this was Cara. I stood up…to fast..coz I suddenly felt unwell and I needed to run tot he toilet.

After I brushed my teeths really fast…I run down the staircase….“Be right there sorrryyyyy!!“

I opened the door exhausted as a big grinnig Cara was standing there.

„Heeellooo cutiee pieeeee,“ she said. „Hellooo baby girrrlll,“ I answered. Really happy that she is finnally here with me.

As we were in the livingroom she took a little blastig bag out of her big bag. „What’s this“, I asked. „That honey, is what the pharmacist gave me."

I took the bag and when I saw what she gave me I was really shocked.


So this was chapter 4 I hope you liked it. :) Sorry that I didn't upload the last few days, but I was really busy lately...and I was at a One Direction concert *_____* The boys were amazing as usuall :) ♥♥

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