I can't hide this even tho I try

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My first one probly be shit if u like it convince me to do another part and I might ;)

I lie there waiting for my chance my chance to run leave run away what ever you want to call it

Waiting for the door to close to get away from this family I already have a plan 1. Grab my bags

As soon as they leave 2. Steal there car3. And drive till I get to London I have money so I'll rent a room

Tonight then it's no plan from there on I don't know what I'm Gona do then all I know is if it will get me

Away from here I'm doing it *BANG* there's the door alright run I'm going as farst as I can I'm in a the car

And before in know it I'm speeding off in the direction of London I put my one direction cd into the radio and

Turn it up full blast wow this is fun I'm nearing London " I WANA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND JUMP AROUND UNTILL WE SEE THE SUN" I sung at the top of my lungs I pull into a fancy hotel I mean it's my perants money why don't I splerge haha I park the car grab my suitcases and the money $10,000 in cash mum would freak and strangle me or something but I don't have to worrie anymore I walked in and paid for my room and started my walk to the elevator as I was about to get in I was bowled over by some one " OH SORRY LET ME HELP YOU WITH THOSE" I looked up and I looked up into the bright green eyes of mr Harry Edward Styles

I can't hide this even tho I tryWhere stories live. Discover now