How you meet the boys

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You woke up to the buzzing of your alarm going off. 7am is definitely too early to wake up to go to school. You practically rolled out of bed and started to get yourself ready for the day.
You packed your school bag, brushed your hair, brushed your teeth and put on a little bit of make up.
You got dressed into your outfit, dark washed blue jeans, a while polar neck sweater and your white Dr Martens. Since it was getting colder outside you decided to take one of your thicker jackets to school with you.
You sprayed on your perfume, walked downstairs, had breakfast and waited for the school bus outside your house. You climbed on the bus and sat next to your best friend. (Y/BF/N) called out for you to come sit next to her "(Y/N) come sit here, I've got a seat for you!"
You both spoke all the way till you got to school, she told you that there were two new kids coming to your school today and they were gonna be in your class.

You got to school, for your books from your locker as you turned around to walk to your register class you tripped over someone's foot and before you hit the floor someone caught you.

A boy with dark brown hair, dark green eyes and a really chiseled jawline. Before tog could say thanks you burst out laughing from embarrassment and just in general with the situation. You said thank you and introduced yourself. "Hi, thanks so much. I'm (Y/N)" you said smiling. He returned the smile but you could help noticing him blushing st the same time, "Hey, I'm Grayson. I just moved here with my family. Still trying to find my way around." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll show you around, where's your register class?" You said wanting to make sure you could keep this conversation going for as long as possible. "I'm in Mr Smith's class, I think that's 11H?" You suddenly remembered what (Y/BF/N) has said about here being new kids this semester. "Oh cool, I'm also in that class. Let's go" You said and started walking in the direction of your classroom. "Oh perfect, I just need to call my brother and tell him where to go." Grayson replied. "Oh cool, do you have a younger brother?" You asked. "Haha, no no. I have a twin, his name is Ethan." Grayson replied.
You suddenly thought of how great this is. Two new boys in your class and they're twins! You couldn't wait to meet Ethan.

You saw someone walking towards you guys, he looked exactly like Grayson, except for some obvious differences being Grayson wore a dangly earring, had light brown highlights and Ethan wore studs and he had a blue streak in his hair.

You introduced yourself to Ethan and chatted to both Ethan and Grayson as you walked to you register class, you were getting super excited to introduce them to (Y/BF/N)!

Hey guys ! So this is my first one with the boys! Tell me what you think and if you guys want I can write out the same story for each one of the boys depending on whose lane you're in ;)

Let me know!

Lots of love xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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