Jily one shot; The patronus charm

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This is my first attempt at fan fiction! I hope you all like it. Constructive criticism is appreciated. 😃 This takes place in their 6th year. The idea doesn't belong to me but I do own the story.
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns all characters and the settting.


Lily POV

I sit in charms class listening to Professor Flitwick explain that we would be practicing the patronus charm today because it would be useful in the upcoming NEWTS. Just then the door swings open revealing Potter, Black, Remus, and Peter. Late as usual. They come right in and only Remus apologizes for being late. Typical.
Potter smirks at me and I only scowl in reply.
"As I was saying before that very rude interruption," Professor Flitwick says scowling at Potter and his crew," today we will be working on patronus charms. Can anyone tell me how to conjure one?" My hand shoots into the air.
"Miss Evans?" Flitwick says to me.
"To conjure a patronus charm you must think of your happiest thought, with extreme focus, and say the incantation 'expecto patronum"' I say as I start to try and think of my happiest thought.
"Correct indeed! Now if you all do just that you should be perfectly fine. Begin practicing!"

James POV

"Begin practicing!"

This shouldn't be to hard. It was about the same process to become an animagus. The whole room was filled with blue mist and people trying to talk over each other.
"Expecto Patronum!" I hear Sirius say as a dog blossoms out of his wand joining the blur of mist.
"Good job, mate!" I say to him deciding I should try myself. I started to think of Lily finally saying yes and going out on a date with me.
"Expecto Patronum!" I say as stags comes out of the tip of my wand. I glance over at her. She looked like she is working very hard.
" Oi! Stop ogling at Evans and focus!" Sirius says to me.
"Shut up, will you? I wasn't ogling at Evans." I respond tartly.
" You were practically drooling!" he accuses. I ignore him and kick my feet up on my desk and wait.

Lily POV

"Okay class! Wands down! I want to see everyone's progress so I will call you up one at a time to cast your charm. After you cast the charm, you may be dismissed." Professor Flitwick announces to the class.
During the practice time I did manage to conjure up a doe patronus. And I was pretty confident of my ability to do so. Not like I was going to let it go to my head like that arrogant toe rag Potter.
Nearly half the class was gone when I heard Professor Flitwick call my name.
I walked up to the front of the room, screwed my nose up in concentration, and said the incantation. Out of my wand blossoms a beautiful doe that canters around the room a bit before fading away. In the back of the room, I see Potter's jaw drop. I decide to ignore it and start to walk out of the room.

James POV

A doe.
The female counterpart to a stag.
My patronus is a stag.
"Mr.Potter please come demonstrate the charm."
A few years ago I would've loved to cast my patronus and rub it in Evans' face that we're soulmates. But I'm not like that anymore. I slowly walk to the front of the room.
"Professor, do think I could maybe do this later?" I asked nervously. I really didn't want to embarrass Lily.

Lily POV

"Professor, do you think I could maybe do this later?" I heard Potter ask and stop dead in my tracks right outside the door. Why would James-Perfect-Potter not want to do his charm and brag about it to everyone later. So I stop and peek around the door and decide to watch.
"Nonsense. Better now than later. Now please continue." Flitwick says to Potter. He takes a deep breath and says, "Expecto Patronum!" A stag bursts out of his wand.
Our patronuses are the a pair. Not only that he didn't want to shove it in my face that they were. Maybe James Potter isn't as bad as she thought.

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