Anthony ( Tha biggest drug dealer)

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Anthony's P.O.V

Man, I see my life gonna end before this baby come and that can't happen so I'm gonna have to get out the game fast as hell.So I walk into the house ( 4 hours late) and knew it was finna be an argument.

Anthony: Hey bae.

Quintana: Dont " Hey Bae" me where TF where you.

Anthony:Man I told you I had to handle some business man see you always trippin bout small shit.

Quintana:Small?? How TF is that small?? This baby can be here any moment now and you choose to stay in the game??

Anthony:Bruhh stop sweatin me I told you im finna get out tha game A.S.A.P.

Quintana:Man f**k this shit ~ walks out tha house get in the car and goes to Sahwanah's house~

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