First Day Of School

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Before we get started, make sure that u watch his video:

Hi I'm Y/N...and I'm 14 years old and I am transferring to a new school in Canada...I can't wait, We were actually driving there...Here is the outfit I'm wearing:

Here is the outfit I'm wearing:

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I was excited...but nervous and I started shaking "Y/N, honey you'll be fine I promise" Mom said with a smile on her face. "Thanks mom..." I responded looking down at her. "Tell you what, we can go grab Ice cream and talk about it when you come back, deal?" "Deal" I said looking up.

My mom was a bit younger than you think, she was 28 cuz she had me at 14...yep pretty young, but its fun cuz she spoiles me alot.I got out of the car and felt very weird...I walked up five steps and then I stopped. I then continued to walk so I can put stuff in of my locker. I close the locker and relize that this boy was in front of me.

"Sorry...I'm in your way, I'll move" I say "Nah, its fine" he says looking at me as I look down. I was about to walk away but he got in my way "Look, I am trying to go to plz, get out my way"
I said in a nerdy way. He answered "Well your no fun...and p.s: Class didn't start yet, wanna hang with me and my group" "No, I don't want to be known as a popular person" I say " Ok then...have it your way" he responded.

I left to Class when the bell rang, I sat where in bold letters said welcome Y/N, so I sat down and I then I relized that Isaac was sitting next to me.
"Goodmorning Class, please come in, have a seat and take out your Math Workbooks" I stood up "Uh ma'am, I-" Without finishing my she interrupts "You cannot stan unless You are ask to stan' up" I reply with " Ma'am, stan is a name, you meant stand and you forgot the ed for passed tense in asked" The boy I met earlier quickly whispered to me " Y/N, she has an accent sit before you go to the principal's office"

I sat down...I actually listened to him because he seemed like he wasn't a jerk. The teacher gave further instructions she said that we can work with the person next to us...I didn't want to work with him, but my grades are more important. "Hey umm...Isaac?"I had seen his name on his workbook
"Yeah, Whats up" "I need help on this problem" I say pointing to a Fraction problem.

"I thought you were smarter than me" he replied with a grin." Haha, I don't have time for your child's play so-" he cut me off "Ok ok I will help, first things first,you have to do the 'keep change flip' method". I couldn't believe he was helping me after all I did to him? I felt so bad for all the things I did to him...but I relized it a bit too late.

When we went through 3 different hell cells aka classrooms, we went to recess, which was supposed to be fun...Not for me. I sat down all by myself and Isaac didn't even come and talk to me...I knew why already, it was because I told him that I don't want to hang out with his friends and be known as the popular one. I messed up real bad...Anyway after recess was lunch and after lunch was 3 more boring classes that we spent 1 hour in each just like before recess.

Finally, it was time to go home and I was about to get into my limmo but someone stopped me, it was a girl."Hi, I'm Y/N Nice to meet you" I say without hesitation "Hi I'm Loren Gray, back off my man" she said with a nasty stare."Umm.......ok" I say in a more of a question then an answer response.I then pull up the window while the driver drives away."WORST DAY EVER" I thought to myself. How can all of this happen on the first day of school? Why am I being targeted by a pretty girl? Why does she think I am taking her man? I had a million more questions to ask but it wasn't worth it.

I got home and I opened the door There my mom was in the living room watching pretty little liars."Mom, I'm home" I say while walking into the living room:

    "Hi hun, are you ready for Ice cream" she asked "yeah

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"Hi hun, are you ready for Ice cream" she asked "yeah...sure". i went to the fridge and took the Ice cream and two spoons and sat next to my mom.

"Let me guess, it didn't go as planned" she asked "Wait 'till I tell you all the details" I say. So I ended up telling her everything that happened. "Now I don't know why I feel like I should apologize to him, cuz for 1-" she interrupted "You like him" "Wait what"

"If you didn't like him then you wouldn't be so stuck up on only him because you also forgot to create comebacks for that Loren girl" "True...anyway I wanna go outside now, is that ok" I asked.

"Yes...only because I am not worried about your academics as much as I should be cuz you are smart" she said."Thanks mom" I kissed her went upstairs to change into this:

"Thanks mom" I kissed her went upstairs to change into this:

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I was walking outside....and right out my house there is another person walking I pretend that I don't know what's going on and continue walking untill I turn around and get a closer look at the person's face.

"Isaac, what are you doing here" I said "I live here, you?" "I live right there" I pointed to my house and he showed me his. "So even outta the house you're a goodie-two-shoes" he said "I am not a goodie whatever you said...I am just focused on my grades" I responded.

"Well since you are here, maybe we can do homework together" I insisted

"Nah, I'm going to be going to Loren's later on" he said without hesitation. I mumbled "That rude mean girl..." "What" he asked.

"Oh nothing...anyway I have to go home now".

"Wait what, you just got here what do you mean"

" mom doesn't know I'm out the house"





-Katara Mendez

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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