Kara :hmmmmm what should I do since it is weekend?
Jane33:maybe you should go shopping for new clothes.
Sarah added Jake in this groupchat
Jane33 :what the f*ck Sarah
Sarah67 :sorry thought you wanted too
Jake70 : what the heck just happenned ?
Jane33: well "Sarah" just added you in the group chat
Jake70:well, that's cool.
Karameyers is now online
Karameyers:what's going on here?
Jane33:well, nothing much, r u done going to the mall?
Karameyers: ummmmmm, yeah y r u even asking are we even close?
Jane33:ummm, no but I'm just asking
Karameyers:well let's be friends then:)😘😘
MEAN GIRLS (texting stories)
AcakThis may contain harsh words so don't let little children read this is a warning