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"Go get the door miss lady" my mom said as she started cooking dinner. The banging on the door got louder making me groan.

"IM COMING Damn" I yelled.

"Watch your mouth." Opening the door. I seen mad police officers, one grabbed me and started asking questions.

"Are you okay?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Let me go, Why she in handcuffs?" I yelled after seeing an officer pull my mom from the kitchen. 


"You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Dezure Layton Jones." An police man said. He started reading my mom her rights and I felt my world come crashing down. 

I'm 16 years old, watching the lady that took care of me since birth be shoved into a police car.

"Fuck all y'all bruh, let my mom go." I screamed. 

"That's not your mom Dezure, it's okay." A black officer said. 

"That's my mom bruh." I cried.

"That's my mom."

— I had to fix this fucking story😭😭

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