chapter 1

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(i apologize if that doesn't happen on planes or things run differently i have never really been on one... but ether way enjoy)
(appearance is like in the image but not anime form)

*when her family is trying to convince her to join Shinhwa High*

Jan-di's pov:

" Im just fine in the school im in now" i tried to convince my mother, father, and brother. "You could meet a handsome rich man to marry into the family! *gasp* We can then live in mansion together with you, are son in-law, and are many grand children!" my mother rambled on and soon after got father and brother to join in blurting out their dreams they can get through me. "No!... I mead i cant. Scarlett is coming and i need to help her out! She probably only knows only a little Korean." which i knew was not true because before any of this happened we would talk through the family laptop. I knew some english and she learned Korean so we could communicate better. Then suddenly the man that came with the Shinhwa uniform earlier to announce that the head of the Shinhwa group thought it would be a good idea if I attend that school cleared his throat before speaking. "The young lady that you speak of could alway join Shinhwa with you. I dont believe anyone would mind." once that was said it was decided. Im going to Shinhwa High and i just dragged Scarlett their with me...

Scarlett's pov:

I wonder what Korean food taste like. It does seem good but Im kind of a picky eater and i wonder what their cafeteria food is like. Do they have Italian, Mexican, Chines? Is Chines food similar to Korean food? Now I'm kind of hungry... Im a total hog. "We will be landing soon." came a woman's voice announcing to all the passengers on the plane. Have i really spent all that time thinking about food. "please buckle up as we are landing." came the woman's voice again. "Today is the day it all begins. My new life. Im going to try to make it a good one." i said to my self as the plane lands. Walking out of the plane and then grabbing my luggage i walk to the address of the home i will be staying in with my relatives. After that i will go to my new school. So exciting yet so frightening.

*on long walk to the relatives apartment later*

"do it!" i silently screamed to my self to knock on the door in front of me. Finally overcoming my shy ness i make my fist lightly tap on the door. A little boy i recognize as Jan-di's brother Kang-san. "Hello" i greet him squatting to his hight right before he closes the door in my face. "What just happened?" i asked myself standing back up to my full hight. A few seconds later the door opens again but this time Jan-di, Kang-san, their mother and father all stood in front of the door way. "hello" i repeat again hoping not to get the door closed in my face again. "Wow!" they all choirs besides Jan-di who just smiles before pulling me inside with all my bags. Before i know it we are all sitting around the small table in silence looking at each other... Well more like they looking at me and me looking back trying to figure out what all is happening. "Um... thank you for welcoming me into you home like this." i spoke trying to brake the silence. "Are all Americans that short?" asked Kang-san. "No" i said slightly irritated now. Im not even that short I'm 5'1 and Jan-di is only like three inches taller then me. Back at my old school people thought i was short when I'm not. They are are like abnormally tall or only a few inches taller then me so if I'm short so are they! "Oh! i almost forgot" announces Jan-di before running to her room and walking out with what to seemed to be a school uniform. "oh is that for school?" i asked. "yep... we are not going to the school i was originally attending at. Some thing happened and now it seems we will be attending Shinhwa High a school for the rich." she said slightly glaring at her family while explaining the slight change in the plan. "oh... well that doesn't seem so bad." i said smiling. "maybe Scarlett can meet a handsome rich man too!" suddenly announced Jan-di's mother and soon after her father and brother start adding their fantasies they could get through me. "What?" i whispered quietly to my self in english just to be safe to make sure they didn't hear me. Jan-di suddenly grabs my arm and drags me to her room and closes the door to muffle the talking in the family room. "does that happen a lot?" i asked. "yes... but mostly to me so now i shall pass it on to you to" she said taping me on the top of my head. I smirked and rolled my eyes at her. "oh wow thanks!" i said sarcasm laced through my voice. "oh you are welcome" she said smiling. Taking a look at my phone i saw it was 11:40. "we should probably go to sleep so we can go to Shinhwa High early and find out where everything is." i said laying out a blow up mattress that i bought so i don't half to sleep of the floor until i earn enough money to buy myself a bed of my own. "Good idea." she said laying in her bed and turned off the lamp that sat on her night stand. I pumped my fist in the air. "to a new experience" i said. "to a new experience" she said pumping her fist in the air also before we fell asleep not knowing tomorrow was going to be more tiering then we expected.

(i couldn't wait. sorry.... kay not sorry.)

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