Chapter One

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  He used to be the guy I hoped for in my future. However people change not always for the better and time flies. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, hours into days, days into years and next thing you know you've spent three years with a person you THOUGHT was your "Mr.Right" 

I remember that shit like it happened yesterday how could I ever forget. It was 2015 it all started on facebook I was bored and usually when I'm bored I do 'Tbh' short for "To Be Honest" post but this time was different. Twenty minutes after the post my likes were running up I began combing threw the people but one of the profiles stuck out. "Cruddball Ike" Is what it read and I had never seen this guy before in my life trust me I would remember him. His mocha brown skin was covered in tattoos, gold fronts that complemented his smile so well and a high top that sat about six inches off his head.

I instantly clicked on his profile and started swiping through pictures, damn this man was fine. Where did he come from I know I would remember accepting his friend request it's like he just appeared on my friends list. Waisting no time I tapped the message icon and did his to be honest.

  "To Be Honest 😉 I don't know you but you're cute hit me up more."

It wasn't long before he had responded back saying thanks for the compliment and that we should start talking more. I was so excited I mean come on, my little fifteen year old self never had a real friend in my life being fat killed friends for me unless you count the bullies from school. Next thing I know we're spending hours on top of hours on the phone, endless text. However we had still yet to see each other in person yet he became my bestfriend quickly he was slowly but surely starting to mean a lot to me.

The winter of 2015 had came and gone, spring of 2016 was just on the horizon and my sixteenth birthday had just passed. We had been talking for a total of seven months now still without seeing each other but little did I know things were about to change.

It was a regular day at school, classes seemed to be going slower than usual and I was looking for a reason to leave. The lunch bell rang and I sprung out of my chair and out of the class room, I had to get to the cafeteria before my friends or else all of the good seats were going to be taken. I reached the cafeteria before any of my friends and plopped down on the bench it wasn't long before it began to fill with loud, raunchy students. I scanned the crowd looking for familiar faces before landing on my at time best friend Katherine. Smiles spread across our faces as she approached the table then plopped beside me. We did our usual catching up while waiting for everyone else to join the table eventually Ivy, Natalie, Amber and Brittany was at the table eating and joking about random stuff, god I miss freshman year.

Lunch was coming to an end and everyone had just about finished their lunches when Katherine leaned over and tapped me.

"Wanna skip and go smoke ?" She asked waving a bag of weed she had cuffed in her hand in my face

"Yeah, I'm beyond ready to dip." I said standing from the table

We grabbed our bags, said bye to the rest of the gang before for heading out of the cafeteria and sneaking out of the side door of the building. It was hot that day so Katherine suggested we could go downtown sit on the big hill by the water and get high. Two bus rides and a fifteen minute walk later we had finally gotten to the bench on the hill and plopped down. Katherine was rolling the weed up while I scrolled on my phone me and Ike had been texting all day and when I told him where we were he called me. He told me he was at school but seeing as though his school was about a five minute walk from the hill he said he was coming to see me.

As soon as he hung up I was nervous as fuck I told Katherine what had just happened and she was more excited than me probably because she knew how much I liked him. Twenty minutes had gone by we had finished smoking and I was now convinced he wasn't coming. My phone vibrated indicating I had a message, it was from Ike. It read

"I see you."

Yeah because that's not creepy at all, now I'm standing here, high trying to find him looking around looking all dumb. He rode up to the table on a bike and stopped to give me a hug. He looked exactly like is facebook profile hell probably even better in person and ironically we had on the same colors that day. We spent the rest of day walking around downtown, going in and out of stores joking around. It felt like I've known him for many years before actually meeting him the way we just clicked. Eventually he sun was starting to set so we said our goodbyes and split ways I swear that hug he gave me before going our separate ways was amazing I could've just melted. I smiled damn near the whole way home I was so happy somebody actually liked me seeing as though I never had a boyfriend before, we spent the whole night on the phone.

Everything felt so blissful and amazing little did I know that day March 10th, 2018 is when I began my dance with the devil. I'm glad I enjoyed those little moments because boy I was so not ready for the roller coaster ride I had just got on.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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