Author's Note: Thank you for reading Mirth! Constructive criticism is welcomed and comments and votes are appreciated. Happy reading!
''Hurry up, girls! We're going to get caught!'' Maya whisper-yelled in her usual air of authority.
''It was your idea, why don't you go?'' Auda suggested impatiently. Katanna, equally impatient, pushed Maya into the forbidden room.
''What are you doing?'' she hissed.
''Just grab the book and let's get out of here!'' snapped Madelyn. All of a sudden, a low tapping noise caught the girls' attention.
''Savannah is signaling to us! Someone's coming!'' Pearl noted. In a swift movement, she jumped out the window. Auda, Katanna, Madelyn, Stella, and Maya followed, Maya with the precious book in her arms. They met up with Savannah, Pamela, and Elysa, who were the three assigned to keep watch, at their designated meeting place underneath their favourite oak tree.
''Where are Anatolia, Naomi, and Amber?'' Elysa asked.
''They didn't want to come, remember?'' Katanna replied, rolling her eyes.
''I'll go get them. They need to see the book too.'' Madelyn offered. She dashed off towards the house again, without a word of consent nor disagreement uttered by the others.
Madelyn soon arrived with Anatolia, Naomi, and Amber in tow. Savannah had taken the book from Maya, with much difficulty.
''Open the book, baby.'' Maya ordered, using the nickname Savannah hated, but she was too eager to read the book that she didn't notice. Stella, standing next to Savannah, read the first page before Sav got the chance to start.
''The Little Green House, home to the girls wh..." Stella read slowly. "I can't read the rest, there's a stain covering the words!" The other girls crowded around to see the dreaded stain.
"Argh!" Maya cried. "All that work for nothing!"
"Not exactly nothing," said Auda, being her optimistic self. "There's probably more. Turn the page, Savannah."
Doing exactly so, Savannah revealed a large photo of a young Anatolia, followed by a small blurb. Anatolia gasped.
"How dare they!" she retorted in her high-pitched voice. Stella ignored her as she read on.
"Anatolia: 4 years of age, taken from large house, well kept, guard dogs, in Birmingham, England."
"Just what I thought, a snobby rich girl." Katanna muttered. Pamela looked at her and nodded in agreement. Anatolia took no notice, instead she simply stared at the words as if in a trance. Naomi waved her hand in front of Nat's face.
"Ew, get your filthy hands away from me!" Nat screeched. Naomi drew back, shocked for a moment, then leaned over and ripped a chunk of grass from the ground. She threw the grass into Anatolia's long, wavy hair. Anatolia screamed and shook her head violently to remove the grass.
"Ugh, you no-good conceited piece of rubbish!" shrieked Nat. She stormed away towards the house, all the while picking the grass out of her hair. Behind her, the rest of the girls erupted into shrill laughter, echoing through the woods. As soon as the giggles died down, Maya ordered the turning of the page. Savannah did as she was told, and everyone soon saw Maya's picture.

AdventureTwelve girls, some friends and some enemies, are living together in a secluded house deep within Dalchork Wood, Scotland. This house is called The Little Green House, and the girls were brought there after being taken from their families in various...