Niggas a'int Shit!

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Part 1:
So your just going to leave, that's all you wanted, you ain't shit nigga. You come over here fuck me then just dip? I'm getting tired of this shit. "Shut the fuck up you ain't tired of shit, I do this every night and all of a sudden you got a problem with it. I gotta get home to my wife." Mark said.
You told me you was leaving her, when mark? when are you leaving her? "I said soon amber I can't just get up and walk out it's going to take some time, just be patient." Mark yelled in my face. Well I'm tired of waiting. I've should've never start fucking with your dumb ass in the first place. "Well you did so what you gon do now ? You ain't going no where" Mark said arrogantly while walking away.
As I was leaving the house I thought to myself I really need to stop fucking with this bitch she be getting on my fucking nerves. But that ass and her head is out of this world. My phones rings and stops my thoughts, oh shit it was my wife .. I got like 15 missed calls and text .. I answered "hey babe" don't hey babe me where the fuck you been" baby stop yelling please. Fuck that where have you been I've been calling you. Nicole I told you I had to handle something last night. "When are you coming home ? We need to talk. " I'll be there in a minute.

Amber- all he want from me is sex, he don't love me I don't know why I keep dealing with the bullshit. He was so fine tho , tall, brownskin, light brown eyes and he had money. But I deserve better. That's why I be fucking other niggas, he think I'm faithful to his no good ass but why shoud I be ..
I tried to get out of the bed and I started to feel nauseous. I ran to the bathroom but threw up before I got to the toilet. What the fuck is wrong with me I better not be pregnant. I got myself together and called my best friend. Ring ring ring .. "this bitch better answer" Ring .. "hello" BITCH!!! What's up Kim said .. I think I'm fucking pregnant where you at .. I'm home , ard cool I'm about to come over. I'm driving over to Kim house, it's about a 15 minute drive. If I'm pregnant he really gotta leave his wife now, no fucking excuses, I'll be damned if imma be a single mother. And it's his fault too talking about he allergic to condoms and he was gon pull out. Now look! I pull up to Kim's she meets me at the door with a pregnancy test in her hand. Damn bitch, what you just keep these handy? Yeah I do .. we both just laughed.. Kim was a hoe so of course she would have a drawer full. I took the test and we waiting 3-5 minutes before we looked, it was killing me just waiting for an answer and I lowkey wanted to be pregnant, so I wouldn't be mad either way it went. 5 minutes passed and it said positive. I was happy as shit
Mark- before I went home I had to stop by to see my right hand, Ant. I got a good job but I sell drugs on the side too and I had to check on him to make sure everything was cool. We talked for a minute and he told me about this new bitch he had just started fucking with. I really wasn't paying him no attention because I was wondering what Nicole wanted to talk
about. I pulled into the drive way and walked into the house Nicole was sitting on the bed with a pregnancy test in her hand.

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