We thought that all wars are done, that we're all living in peace.

Are we?

Everyday, we face a whole lot of new challenges, some are easy, some are not.

We got blinded easily by promises and greed.

But let me tell you this: Knowledge is a demon in disguise.


Easy, because we think too much. We always think how unfair life is, how our future will be, cursing everyone in the world when you fail.

You think too much that you sometimes forget to pray.

We always think of what our future will be, but you never think of what the future will be.

Will there still be trees and water to drink? Will there still be life?

No, some of us don't think these kinds of things and just mostly focus on having higher profit and how you'll survive.

Instead of praising our Lord God, we praised Idols and Saints.

Is that even fair?


Because of all the riches here in this world, we're blinded with greed for power.

It was said that Scientists have once made research and said the one day, there'll be no more fishes in the ocean, nor clean water to drink.

Have you read the book of Revelation in the Bible?

If yes, then you know what I mean, if not, then read it now before continuing.

It is prophesied in there that there will come a time that this world will be in chaos.

What Chaos?

A chaos that is a lot worse than war.

By then, money and power can't help you.

Only God can.

Why have and enjoy luxury here in this world if upon your death, you'll suffer for the rest of eternity?

It is better to live poorly than to be showered with luxuries.

Living an eternal life in God's grace is better than to live in lux and treasures.

So why?

Why do people always thrives for their success and get their stories told instead of sharing the word of God?

Everything for fame right?

That's our problem.

Fame, power, greed.

We're to blinded with happiness in this world that we think nothing could be more better.

But when that time of chaos does come, how will you survive?

It is better that we open our minds and our hearts now while we're still young, because we will serve as the light of our ruined generation.

Praise our Lord God himself, and not the Idols and Pictures.

Be a true son of God.

Share the good news to everyone, and you shall not just save your soul, but a hundred of souls.

Be a water and quench their thirst.

Be a light to light those who were still in the dark.

Thank our Lord for the blessings he gave us and ask forgiveness to our sins.

Be baptized in the name of Jesus, and you shall be born-again.

Be a servant and put your faith in him, for he is our savior, healer, protector, and our God.

Nothing is impossible.

So, here is the question: When the time comes...

Are you ready?

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