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10 years ago...

All around me was the sound of booming bass, forcing my body to dance harder, faster. Looking out at the crowd and through my pitch black hair, my eyes latched with the devious eyes of Antonio- the reason I was here being forced to perform for these old pedophiles. Antonio winked and I felt my stomach churn, threatening to abandon the stale bread and flat soda I had eaten before. God I missed my family, missed having the ability to love. But Antonio was right. If I was still here it was because my family had never truly cared about me.

I closed my warm honey eyes and tried to ignore the man currently sticking a crisp fifty into my pink lace briefs. Not that I would get any of that money- no. That was strictly for my superiors because to them I was too unworthy for money. But no money meant another session with the metal-tipped whip. I ground into the pole on stage trying entice another abomination to give the "little whore" his paycheck. I could practically hear the monsters eyes following every move of my underdeveloped body, eating up as much as they could and probably contemplating asking to have me in a private room.

After about twenty more minutes of humping a pole, I walked off stage and immediately knelt down at the feet of my master. Antonio sneered and reached down into my panties to retrieve his money, manhandling my crotch in the process. I wanted to cry from the nasty shivers the touch sent through my slender body.

"Only two hundred dollars, little whore? Did you truly think this would be enough for me? You probably did 'cause you're a dumb shit. Well I guess I'll be introducing you to my new tools earlier than expected." He purred in his gut wrenching growl. Knowing I wasn't allowed to talk without permission, I whimpered and promptly received a slap for the trouble. As Antonio attached my leash back to my collar and pulled me after him, I couldn't help but feel like I was on my way to certain death. I wanted so badly to die but I knew that Master would never allow me the safety death could bring.

**** Erue ****

Why was I always the one sent to stop Angels from rescuing those in need? I thought with pure annoyance. I never did understand why higher demons were given the worst jobs. I mean, what the hell was I doing in a disgusting sex club? But I didn't have time to pout, I had some bad doings to do. Hearing someone next to me whimpering I turned my head not ready for what I saw.

My eyes spotted a tiny body with golden eyes too big for his head and cascading wavy black hair. The child looked to be a combination of Indian and something indistinguishable and he seemed to be, at the most, 10 years old. But the most striking thing about the boy was the map of scars snaking all over his body. I suddenly found myself shaking at the thought of anything marking something so pure and innocent looking. If I had been sent here to stop an Angel from saving a beautiful creature like the one next to me, then I was simply done. I may be a Demon but I was no child hating monster.

Snapping out of my haze, I noticed the disgusting man above the boy attaching a leash to his collar. Feeling desperate to stop the boy from going with him, I stepped up to the tall man.

**** Mohan***

" Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but notice what a fine pet you have here." A deep hypnotizing voice husked. I timidly looked up at the owner of the voice and quickly looked down from shock. The man was tall and looked lean but very muscular, he had deep navy eyes and rich brown hair pulled into a complex braid. Even with the harsh club lights on his face he was simply magnificent.

" No surprise there. My little whore is quite a fine piece of meat if I do say so myself" Antonio smirked, gesturing to me.

" Yes that is very true sir. I was wondering how much you want for him."

" Well, little whore is not for sale, so get lost! Do you not realize how rude it is to ask a Master for HIS slave?" Master angrily sputtered not noticing the same as I did. While Antonio was talking, the strange man had somehow grown a long gold and blue tail with a sharply pointed end. The man narrowed his eyes and the sharp point surged forward, wedging itself into Antonio's neck causing him to gasp and splutter for air until his body failed him and Antonio fell to the ground- discreetly, but dead. I squeezed my eyes shut, thanking God for answering my prays for death and awaited the ending pierce of the man's tail, craving the feel of safety and security.

**** Erue****

The boy was craning his neck towards me and I couldn't seem to figure out why. Then a tiny little voice poured out of him.

" Please sir! Don't just stand there, kill me too! Please, I just want to finally be free!" I was shocked. Such a young boy seeming to crave death? What a horrible life he must be in.

"What is your name, boy?"

"Mo-Mohan, sir."

"Well Mohan, I'm sorry but I couldn't imagine killing such a young boy."

" I'm not young!" Mohan's sweet little voice rang out " I'm eleven!" Surprise, surprise I thought to myself. Older than I thought but still so broken. Just as I was trying to decide my game plan- you can only stand next to a dead man in a crowded club for so long- a new, shall we say angelic voice joined our conversation.

" Erue! Step away from the boy and leave. Demons like you will only cause more damage to this poor boy's brain." said an Angel I'd never met before. I knew she was right though, what was a Demon like me gonna do to benefit such a fragile creature? I felt crushed as I looked at Mohan one last time, locking eyes with him. How I wished that something so dirty and impure as myself could help him. " Leave Erue, you have no business here." And, with a heavy heart, I exited the club.

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