Part 1

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Okay so my name is Maddy I was born July 4, 2003. Growing up my parents were never together so I didn't know where to call home. My dad is a cop and my mom owns her own business I am now 15 and my dad found a house near my school so I can keep my friends. My dad is married and my mom doesn't like to be tied down to one person. My dad wants his kids to all go to the school am me, don't know why but he does, my step mom is with child. So I can see why he wants to be near me. But for the most part it is just me and my mom because my dad is always working and his work has him away. My mom is always saying that I don't have to go at all and my step mom said I can come over when ever I wanted, but it ends up a little wired between us. When my brother or sister is born I said I could babysit. I love both my moms and I love my dad but I need to tell my story well here it is so let's start at the begging shall we. Well this year I am a freshman and I have no friends because I have no been able to make friends because I keep to myself. I went between schools for half a year I was with my dad and the other half I was with my dad. The reason I am 15 turning 16 and going into the 6th grade is because I got held back in 1st grade. Well let me talk about my new school instead of my past well feel comfortable at the school because this is the first time being at the same school for a hole year. I am kinda scared and not the good kind. School is the worst thing because I have no one to talk to and my parents are always working no friends and my aunt is coming to live with me and my mom. She is always telling us not to go in the basement and my mom is the same way and my dad. But I have my first day of school tomorrow and I am not ready for it I have school supplies, but I am not ready for just going to school.

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