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I remember how it felt, watching you lay there in that hospital bed. It felt as if my entire world just collapsed, and in a way it did; because you were my whole world. A sob escaped my mouth as I watched the monitor. Your hands were cold, but they were still the same. "I love you." I mumbled when I finally found the air to speak, but as soon as I did it felt as if I were the one dying, unable to catch my breath. You were sick from a disease we like to call Cancer, we could try to help you recover but most people can never recover from it. You either live or die trying. I'm not sure how this even happened, I remember when we were happy, when the sun was shining so bright before the storm came crashing in. I remember those days when we'd lay in the grass, the sun setting in the distance as a cold breeze blew over us, my hand enter wined with yours.

I also remember how it felt when I woke up from a coma which I had been in for two years. Doctors kept on telling me, you were never real. I had become so lonely in my own mind that my imagination created you. I never believed them until now. It explains why when I woke up, you weren't there beside me. It felt so real, when I was with you. Though, I guess I never really was. Is it bad for me to long for something that I never really had? To miss something that never actually happened? And to care for someone who isn't even real?

I don't want to believe that you were just my imagination. That the world isn't that beautiful, that it is truly just a fucked up place. I don't want to think that my happiness was put into something that was just a hallucination my mind had created. But I guess I've finally woken up, I've finally realized this is reality. I kinda wished I had died there with you in my hallucination, that I didn't have to face reality. Because I'll tell you right now, reality sucks.

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