Chapter 1

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"I really hate you sometimes!"

Your fists were clenched at your sides. Somehow, you had managed to shift all of of your angry energy there, trying your best not to get to worked up, knowing it couldn't end well.

"You don't even understand what kind of stress I'm under! You have no idea and now, on top of all of that, I have to worry about this!" He yelled back at you. You swiftly turned back around towards him, you eyes widening, giving him an are-you-serious look.

"You really don't though! Like I told you before, its not a big deal!" You said, trying to cling to whatever amount of composure remained within you. Travis responded by rolling his eyes, which just infuriated you. "You think I don't know what kind of stress you're under?!" You barked back at him. "No! You don't!" He said back immediately, following you as you walked from the living room to the kitchen.

"Travis!" You said, louder this time. "I get it! I do!" You hands moving along with your mouth. "You think I don't but I do! I know how you feel about playoffs and scoring and making sure that you stay healthy. I actually listen when you talk!" Your voice was growing louder as you continued to speak.

"Oh so now I don't listen to you!" He asked, incredulous. "Great! What else do I do wrong?"

"Oh my god. This is literally the most pointless fight- that you started!" You knew you were egging him on but at this point you didn't care, you had swept so many things under the rug and now they were finally coming out.

"I started it? I did? Really!" He was yelling at you, louder than he ever had now and you were about to truly hit your breaking point.

"Yes!" You said. "You did."

"Everything is my fault, huh?" He asked, his eyes widening. "That is not what I said at all." You turned to look at him, standing on the other side of the island, his hands on his hips yelling at you, while you grabbed a drink from the refrigerator.

"But you wanted to! Admit it (Y/N), you-" Before he got to finish, you cut him off, quickly putting him in his place, int he process.

"Go to Hell!" You yelled, making eye contact with him the whole time. You were shocked at the words that had just come out of your own mouth. You didn't think you even had the ability to be as mad as you were right now. The screaming match you were having with Travis now had reached its boiling point.

It had started with the fact that you had invited him to come to your senior capstone presentation at school. When he told you he couldn't you shrugged it off. You figured he wouldn't be able to go because of hockey and you weren't mad at all. You knew, from day one of your relationship, that his career came first. You actually found how drive he was to be sexy. This event wasn't the first thing he had missed, and honestly, probably wouldn't be the last. It didn't bother you, honestly. But what did was when he decided to pick a fight about how you were always making him feel guilty for not being able to go to stuff. Which was completely false.

Travis picking a fight with you hadn't been unusual. It actually happened quite a few times during the season, after a bad game or practice. Usually, you could talk him down, figure out what was the actual problem. But tonight, tonight was the worst it had ever been.

He was stunned, speechless. You had never spoken to him like that before, rarely ever even swearing. You and Travis were just about as opposite as two people could be. He was outgoing and charismatic, while you were shy and soft-spoken. Literally, you were each other's counterparts.

"Seriously, Travis. I'm not joking. I'm done. You can't keep using me as your punching bag when one thing doesn't go your way. I can't do it anymore." You said, crossing your arms, your eyes falling, not able to make contact with him. You didn't want him to see you crying, but it was too late. He could see the tears that were spilling from the corners of your eyes and that broke him more than anything.

"(Y/N)." He said walking towards you, his hand reaching up to cup your face, but you turned away. "I-uh-I." He struggled to find the words to make everything better, really because there were none.

"Are we really doing this right now?" He whispered. He was as close to you as you would let him be. After a long pause he finally asked the inevitable question.

"Are we breaking up?"

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