chapter 9

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'How long have i been walking for?' I looked around, i had decided to walk through the woods like area near the park, but i think I may have walked abit to far, either that or i get lost... really easily..

After 16 more minutes of aimless walking i finally allowed myself to accept the fact that i was lost.

I lean against a tree and let out a frustrated growl "i knew i shouldn't have strayed from the park... im so stu--" before i could finish my sentence i heard the sound of carnival music "what the?..." for whatever reason i began to head towards the music, because its never ended badly in horror movies. (*heavy sarcasm*)

Eventually, i came to an opening in the woods that revealed an abandoned like carnival.

(A mix of these)

"Excuse me?... since when was this fucking here?.." i muttered to myself.

The music had gotten louder, but still wasnt to close.

Walking up to the gates i try and walk through but they were so rusted and old that they wouldnt budge, i let out a tired sigh and began to climb over them (they are those spinning bar gate things btw)

"This place is so creepy..." i fixed my hood and looked around some more until i spotted some lights and being the curious idiot i am decided to investigate.

With each step the music got louder and louder, my heart rate speeding up.
After walking for 2 minutes i come to a stop in front of a small knock the bottles stall, 3 balls laid in a perfect line on the counter.

"Hello missy care to play a game?!"

I screamed and jumped back, a tall man with long white hair stood in the stall.
'He was not there a fucking minute ago!'

The man just stood there and smiled "well missy?" His voice was high but not overly high pitched, he had a beautiful smile and was rather fair skinned.

"You want me to p-play?" I took a step forward, a confused expression on my face.

"You want me to p-play?" I took a step forward, a confused expression on my face

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(Kinda how i imagine him)

"Well why wouldn't i? This is a carnival after all!!"

"A-alright.." i walk forward and pick up a ball

"Goodie! Now the rules of the game is, the more bottles you knock down the better the prize!!"

I nodded and looked at the bottles and took in a deep breath before throwing the ball and knocking the top one off

"What a hit miss!"
'I hit one...'

I took my second throw, the ball it the dead center of the bottles but didn't knock a single one over.


"Aww what a shame, well third times a charm!"

I sighed 'this game is definitely rigged' i threw the third ball full force into the center again, 5 bottles toppled over onto the ground and i couldn't help but fist pump "yes!"

The white-haired man chuckled and clapped his hands together "congratulations! You won a prize!!"

"Prize?" I looked at him curiously

He nodded and ducked down, after a while, he was still not coming back up

"S-sir?" I leaned over the counter

"Here you go miss!!"

He tapped my shoulder making me jump and squeak

"How did you get behind me"
"Your prize miss!" He was holding a smallish plush doll, that looked almost exactly like me but had black button eyes. (*cough* who watches Coraline? *cough*)

I took the doll and looked down at it "is that m-"I looked up to see that the man was once again gone "hello?" I looked around but he was no where to be seen

(Sorry i haven't been updating a lot just been busy)

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