Chapter 1- Alexus

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Hi my names Alexus I'm 17 years old and my life is great! I live in a magical world that's lifeless, with my boyfriend Josh and my mother. Everything's colorful here and you never get bored. I love to race through the high, flower-filled grass with Josh, swimming in the lake and never getting tired. My life seems pretty awesome right? Let's take things back three months ago.

"Alexus....ALEXUS, honey wake up" My father says as shaking me until I'm up. "You don't wanna miss your first day at school" I open one eye and everything was a blur, I roll back over and beg for one more minute, but my dad was ripping the covers off of me in just seconds. "Honey c'mon you're always like this, breakfast in 10,  hurry up" As I roll out of bed and walk into the bathroom I just stand and look in the mirror for 3 minutes asking myself why me? Why do I have to be the new girl again? Things just aren't going to be the same anymore...not since "ALEXUS BREAKFAST IN 5", oh shit, have I let the time slip away so quickly. I jump in the shower quick and get dress and head down stairs, my dads at the breakfast table sitting down waiting for me. This could only mean one thing.....The talk.

Dad calls me near him and hugs me to whisper something in my ear "I love you so much lexi, mom would be so proud". A tear flew down my face and I quickly whipped it away. My mom had been dead for about 8 months now. She died from breast cancer and it never gets better for me, I just miss her so much I still cry my self to sleep at night. "I miss her too dad, I wish she were here too" I say to my dad but pull my self together " Let's go dad I'm gonna be late" knowing I didn't eat breakfast. My dad and I hop into the car and have a few small conversations then arrive at school, "Dad this schools huge, you never told me it was this huge!!! I'm going to die I can't go, take me home, please." I begg of him but he just looks at me and laughs and escorts me to the main office. They ask me for my name and grade "Alexus Sargent, and um, I'm in the 12 grade."

The lady in the main office hands me my schedule and I hate all of my classes. I'm so nervous my belly's in a knot, my hands are sweating, and my knees feel weak, I'm so not ready. *RIIINNNGGG* My heart stops as I hear the first bell, I slowly walk to my first class hoping that I would spare some time but I end up getting there early. "Hi, My names Alexus I'm new here" I say almost whispering "Yes Alexus, the secretary said you would be coming in today, come on in and welcome to my class." Ms. Brooks my new English teacher says, she points me to a desk and I sit and wait for the other students to come. As the class begins to fill I'm already getting weird looks and hearing whispering "who's that chick?" "is she even suppose to be here", I get so scared its like my hands were sweating puddles. By the tardy bell Ms. Brooks tells me to stand up and introduce myself and tell them what I like to do for 'fun'. Is she trying to make me have a heart attack? I can't possibly do this, omg I'm freaking out! I slowly get out of my chair and stand next to her in the front of the classroom. I just stare for awhile and then look down at my combat boots "Hi I'm Alexus Sargent and..... um.. uh... I guess I like to read...I guess" Everyone in the class looks confused, some laughing, some simply just didn't care. "Everyone clap and welcome Alexus to our class" Ms. Brooks insisted, but of course no one clapped, I sit back down and put my head down. By the time it came to lunch time I had no friends and no where to eat, so I sat at an empty table alone. And by the end of the day I was so happy to be home in my bed.

That night I had a strange dream, reoccurring images of a boy, my age standing in the middle of no where, with a woman, both of their backs were turn. I kept calling for them to turn around but they never did. I wish they did, if I had no one to talk to at least I could talk to someone in my dreams right? That dream felt way to short because I was being woken up for another day of school. If loosing my mom wasn't hard enough they want me to go to school too? Why can't I just stay in bed and dream forever?

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