Dancing with You

80 11 4

The moment has come
My breath has escaped me
Now it's time to close the book
Change the song I have been humming
I need to take Your hand and walk on
No looking back at what this might have been
Loosen those knots I tied
Forget that dear friend's eyes
Time to face myself at last
Between the troubled dunes of my past
Whisper in my ear
Dance with me in my dreams
Reach to me with Your right hand
Tell me again where we're going
I want to take Your hand and walk on
Though it means forgetting this sweet moment
I see the rain coming
I hear the clouds breaking
My anguish on the closet
Where finally I let go of me
Sweet rain on my face
Drops, pearls of pleasure
Disguise my tears with your shine
Wash away the turmoil in me
Free me from the fear that grips my wrist
And I'll dance with you You like a true lover

Disillusioned: Poetry CollectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu