Forever Again

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Gabriel, what is this that you've brought me? 
Red and black 
Tattered and true 
I'm not sure I want to see 

Twisting in the night in this chilling dream 
Take it back 
This falling down 
In the nightmare I can't scream 

My racing heart reaches out to You LIGHT 
Close my eyes 
I'm turning back 
Who will prevail in this fight? 

Erase that last sordid page in my book 
I'm still Yours 
I am still Yours 
It's ringing now but don't look 

The angel of the Lord bringing mercy 
In His arms 
His loving gaze 
Reaching out to me again again 

Teary my soft heart in Your tender hands 
Lets dance Love
Lets run away
Only You can understand 

My crimson hands will reach to You again 
I will go 
I will answer 
I am Yours only, forever again again

Disillusioned: Poetry CollectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu