---All credit to The Fault in Our Stars by John Green for inspiring this poem type thing---
The fault in their stars
Was not in their illnesses
But in their hearts
They bared witness to the most ghastly events
And they still stood strong
I can't say stand
For one is dead
He died a peaceful death
They say
We will never know of course
We can only hope
As for her
She continued fightingShe stayed strong
Through his death
And through her pain
Cancer is a thing we live with
It takes us over
You may be told that pain is a side effect of cancer
When in fact
Pain is a side effect of dying
As is cancer
People will tell you
Everything is a side effect of something
But in reality
Everything is a side effect of dying.
---Comment what you think! I will graciously accept all constructive criticism!!---
Poems by a teenager
PoetryA serious of poems/short stories I have written, let me know what you think!