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Been a long cold fever
Tense nights in the darkness
Its over and
Finally I can breathe
Distorted the dancing
Twisted the crushed wet sheets
Troubled thoughts that plague me
Its over
I can finally be
Sweet sunshine on my face
And You so near so real
Finally I
I can sleep I can breathe
Lay my head on Your lap
Abba I hear Your voice
Now It's ok
Its better with You near
Its over
I can finally see
Feel the tension leaving
Fear and trepidation
Finally You've
Torn their grip from my neck
Look away darling eyes
Forever gaze away
Can't be the same
I've finally been freed
It's over
I know it has to be
It's not that I'd forget
It's not cold in my heart
Nothing like that
But I've been called away
It's not a lonely road
It's not easy either
But I must go
Follow my Beloved
It's over
It's over
I'm free forever
It's sad and it's happy
But most of all
It's over

Disillusioned: Poetry CollectionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu