"Wastelands Of The Mind"

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A desert ahead,

Don't know where I'm lead,

Discreet heat in my head,

Happy thoughts have fled,

As my deserted heart bled.

The sun is beating down,

I trudge ahead with a frown,

Feeling like life's plastic clown,

Stuck under a laughing crown,

Wondering how as I'm looking down.

Burned and bleeding,

My hurt is breeding,

Leading to feeding,

My spiritual beatings.

A sandstorm is brewing,

Don't know what I'm doing,

The hateful storm,

Is like the norm,

It feels so warm,

But it's here to warn.

If I get trapped in the whirling sand,

I curse myself to a life of bland,

No dreams of becoming something grand,

I might just need a helping hand.

There's creatures in holes,

Living out their roles,

Things that I hide,

Deep inside.

Giant spiders and ugly things,

Reliving all my useless flings,

I just don't know what they will bring,

But I know I have two broken wings.

I can't fly above this wasteland,

I have to be a man and stand,

Take the worst from this hectic land,

And give it back tenfold...

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