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Kristen POV 

Me and Scott have been dating for about 3 years now we are inseparable we are always together but not today Scott,s spending the whole day at Davids playing shitty pool so i decided i'm  gonna have a girls day . I text the girls group chat to see if the would like to come over a do something.

L=Liza K=Kristen G = Gaebee  Cor=Corinna C = Carly  E=Erin

K : do you guys wanna come over r all of u free


G:Of course gurl




K:Ok at 5:30

Gabbie arrived first she was wearing this 

Gabbie arrived first she was wearing this 

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Erin and Carly arrived next 



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Then Corinna

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Then Corinna

Then lastly Liza

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Then lastly Liza

And i wore this 

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And i wore this 

We talked for awhile then Carly decided that she was craving frozen yogurt then 

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We talked for awhile then Carly decided that she was craving frozen yogurt then 

Erin say i have been asking you if you wanted  frozen yogurt every FUCKING day when i go get it for my self and now your craving it . Everybody laughed,We went to yogurt land and got yogurt.

And then when we went home we found out the dog destroyed Scott's bag of Lays

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And then when we went home we found out the dog destroyed Scott's bag of Lays.


The girls had to go so i sat on the couch and watched 13 reasons why season 2

Scott didn't come yet and it really late but i trust him so  i went in the bed and slept 

couple hours later i felt Scott come in the bed he grabbed my waist and hugged it really tight 

it felt good though. We started taking of our clothes then you know what happens next ya nasty.

(Sorry if this was a bad chapter i'm a noob)

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