Alliance with the Lycanthropes.

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Chapter One - Pain in the Memories.

This morning, when I awoke, something felt different. I don't mean the place, atmosphere or even my parents. I mean me. Since my thirteenth birthday, I've been having small cramps, and my backbone sticks out more than a usual humans does. I told my parents, but they simply told me to lie down. Don't get me wrong, they're caring and loving towards me. They probably thought I was trying to get out of school. But, I'm not only physically changing, it's my mood too. I have sudden outbusts of anger. Just yesterday, I lost my best friend because of them. She was teasing me about a crush I had in year three, and I was laughing until, out of nowhere, I slapped her. Yes, I slapped my best friend. I don't quite know why, but I did. As sad  as I am that I've lost a friend, I'm also worried she'll tell all my secrets to my schools "junior prom queen" and most popular person in my grade, Lolita. Rumor has it that her hair is so big because it is filled with secrets, but I say it's a load of codswollop and most definetly and Mean Girls quote.

Anyway, enough of that, my mother is calling from downstairs, letting me know there is breakfast on the table. I get up, stretching my muscles after being in one position for so long. The floor seems cold and hard on my feet, and I almost shiver when I touch it. Allowing my body to awaken, I move my toes and arms around, whilst grabbing my phone from the side. I check my social networks, and then get up. Today is a Friday, which is good for me. No school for three days. No, you didn't hear me wrong. It's three days because of Bank Holiday Monday, thank the lords. I look at my door, not wanting to leave the comfort of my room. I flicker my eyelashes, and make my way towards the wooden door. Grabbing the handle, I open the "way to freedom" and slide down the banisters. 

"Good morning, mother!" I say as cheerily as I can so she doesn't suspect sadness in my voice.

"Morning deary, do you want some breakfast?" She points the bacon and eggs on the table. 

I smile at her and nod. My mother is always so happy, and I wish not to be the cause of her sadness. I begin to eat my breakfast, my mom hubbering over me. She does this a lot when my dad is at work.

"Darling, would you like a lift into school today? Remember, take your P.E kit because it's Sport's Day!"

My smile instantly fades. Sports day is one of the worst days I could ever experience. My mother always gets excited because I'm a pretty fast runner, If I can be so modest. Last year, I won fastest sprinter award at the "Sports Awards Evening". I absolutely hate taking part though. Most of the girls laugh at you when you win, and the teachers act so weird, a bit like a parent. My house team, the Falcons, almost always win, and we wear out yellow ties in shame, not in honour, for the last days of school. 

I have finished my breakfast, so I begin packing my bag for the day. I have Science, Maths, P.E  and then for the rest of the day we either compete or sit and watch. Me and Olivia (The ex-best friend) were supposed to be doing the relay together but I suppose that'll be changed now she hates me. We aren't even in the same house teams but the teachers aloud us to do so. I remember last year, me and Olivia sat on school grounds after the races, head-booping to "Sail". We always sung it together, her always shouting the line that suggests suicide. I never did understand that. 

I slammed the door behind me as I left to get into my mothers car. After the memories of me and Liv, I felt rather depressed. The radio was tuned into some sixties station, so I shoved in my AWOLNATION CD and awaited the beginning of my favourite song. My mother tutted, but at that moment, I couldn't care less. Today would be a bad day, so why not start something off the way I liked it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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