An Introvert

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Len's POV

I wake up and get out of bed after hitting the snooze button for the 7th time this morning. I stumble down the stairs with my hair drooping down my face and just looking like an overall mess. Rin was on the phone talking loudly to whatever popular kid it was now, already up and dressed like she usually is. 

I get to the bathroom and took off my clothes, get into the shower and sighed as the water dripped all over my face. 

"Another day of school," I mumble to myself, water filling my mouth before I spit it out. I notice a silhouette in the window. I just ignore it then go back to washing my hair. I turn off the shower hopping out quickly before some cold water hits me as it always does when turning off the shower. I get out and dry myself off then blow-dry my soft, blonde hair. 

"Ugh! Lennnnn," I began to hear Rin whine.

"What?" I yell back at her still half-naked trying awkwardly to get my shirt on.

She slams open the door and screams.

"Put a shirt on ew!" She yells at me.

"Rin get out!" I yell back at her.

"Both of you stop!" I hear mum yell at us from the living room.

Rin flips me off and slams the door behind her. I grab my phone to check the time. It was 10 minutes until I'd have to leave. Quickly I tie up my hair into a small ponytail and spike the rest with an unholy amount of hair gel. I brush my teeth and snatch my bag from the seat shouting an "I love you!" to my mum before leaving for school.

I get to school and walk through the gates trying to just avoid anyone and everyone. They think I'm a loser and I think they all are so it works well. I sit down in the halls and throw my bag down, placing my earphones and phone into my bag. I exchange them for a book and begin to read before the bell goes. 

The crowd of children begins walking through the halls everyone bumping into each other. I keep my head down and walk to my first class of the day. There's no one interesting in this class. By interesting, I mean the popular kids. I mainly stare out of the window for god knows how long. Before I know it the bell goes signalling the change of classes.

And like that, the cycle repeats. Shorter school day today because it's a Friday. We get our breaks for lunch and recess where I just read or play games on my phone. 

I'm in my final class, nothing special. We're doing a math test. I look at my watch, 5 minutes until I can go home. I look around the classroom, everyone's looking down at their paper, tapping pencils, staring somewhere else. The class is quiet. The bell then rings signalling that we can finally go home. I get up to grab my stuff and leave. Everyone was in a rush. It is Friday after all. As I was leaving I saw her, Gumi, glancing at me. She kept going, even after I make eye contact with her.

"Huh, weird. Why would she look at me" I thought to myself "I'm not special at all, just a random introvert with no life as everyone else says. Maybe I just have something on my face and she's ridiculing me in her head" I continue to think before looking down at my phone and walking out of class.

I crash into a wall.

"Ow," I yelp.

A group of girls walk past me with Gumi in the centre. Seems she's gotten over whatever I have on my face. Gumi is the type of girl that everyone wants to be with. The boys swoon over her and the girls just want to hang with her all the time. She's one of Rin's best friends and comes over quite a lot. Though of course I never talk to her, Rin snatches her to her room and they go do whatever stuff girls do. She's pretty, sweet, absolutely adorable, a straight A's student.

Then she managed to slip out of the group of girls crowding her and walk over towards me hand moves her books to the opposite hand.

"Are you ok?" She asks, concerned.

"U-uh, yeah," I reply, rubbing my head.

She giggles and offers me her hand. I take it and she pulls me up.

Her hand is so warm and soft. I begin to walk out with a simple "Thank you," muttered to her with my head hanging down. It was nice and made me feel happy that someone as popular and beautiful as her would notice me like that but I needed to get home.

"So, are you walking home again today?" She asks smiling whilst chasing after me.

I was confused, what does she mean again? I walked home yesterday by myself because my Mum had a work conference on, Dad doesn't live with us anymore and Rin always hangs out with Gumi or Miku after school.

"H-how did you know I walked home after school yesterday?" I asked.

"W-what d-do you mean Len," She asked in a panic.

Wow, I've never heard her say my name before.  I got red at the thought of her saying any more to me. She's so, so pretty. That doesn't matter right now!

"You said again"

"Oh, did I! I apologise, I just- was uh- distracted" She replied.

"Ya know, looking out the window," She says again. 

Hmm. Something is off about this. I want to know what. But she might have just seen me walking home yesterday and I-I don't know, I thought she took the bus home or something. I think I'm overthinking this. Maybe Rin told her? But why would Rin say anything about me to anyone? She already gets enough shit for having me as a brother.

"Well, yeah. I am in fact walking home again" I said, making sure to exaggerate the again.

"I wanted to see if you would like to walk home together," She said.

I was so confused. This girl, the most popular girl in school wants to walk home with me? A random introverted kid with no life at all. I don't know how to feel about this, will I become popular too? Does she like me? I don't know if I like her, I'd never have a chance. I must be dreaming.

"Sure!" I say.

I think I'm blushing. Am I falling for Gumi? Len! Stop! She just asked you if you guys want to walk home together! It doesn't mean she likes you!

Gumi's POV

"Nice job Gumi! He almost found you out!" I think to myself. "I don't need Len knowing that I like him, he knows I'm popular, he'd think he'd never have a chance"


oooooooo, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm not really good at writing fanfic so don't judge me lol.

Anyway thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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