Criminal Love (2p!America and 2p!Canada Love Story)

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A/N: This story was inspired by this amazing writer on deviantart. If you guys come to enjoy this, you should read her's sometime. But onto the story!


Her fingers went flying across the keys of her laptop as she sat in the truck. To anyone else, what she was typing would seem like complete nonsense, but for someone in her line of her work, she knew exactly what she was doing. Sighing a bit, she sat back in her seat and admired her work. She'd been at this for almost an hour, but she was finally done.

"This better be my last job from Francis.." She mumbled to herself as she pressed a few more keys before sitting the computer in the seat next to her. Now all she had to do was wait. What felt like hours to her was probably a mere forty-five minutes before she finally heard the gunshots and yelling and knew it was time. She stared the engine and shifted the gear into reverse before slamming her foot onto the gas pedal, sending her jolting forwards as the car sped in reverse. Stepping on the brake, she paused just enough to unlock the door and allow the figures to hop into the pick-up truck, one in the passenger seat and the other two in the truck bed behind her, before shifting back into gear and speeding off into the night. Looking at the man beside her, she chuckled before looking behind her. Turning a bit, she slid open the glass panel.

"No chases tonight, guys?" She asked, jumping a bit when her question was answered by the sound of gunshots. "And to think you guys could learn to clean up your messes." She sped up, trying to shake the five cars behind her. The two people behind her began to return fire, one throwing small explosives while the other began to shoot at the drivers. With a loud bang, two out of five cars were demolished.

"You owe me five bucks, babe!" She heard behind her. "I told you I could take down two in one!"

"Oh whatever, Al! Just pay attention to them," she heard her friend reply with a laugh. Looking in the rear-view mirror, she saw someone standing on the roof of one of the cars.

"Incoming, hold on tight!" The two in the flat bed grabbed their security straps and wrapped them around their torso. Not a moment later, there was a resounding thud, notifying her that the person had landed in the back with them. She knew the plan for when someone was in the back with them, she was to wait until they were disarmed and beaten and let them open the tailgate before slamming on the gas so that the person would fly out. The man in the back, also known as Alfred F. Jones, took his bat out of the bag on his back.

"I don't think you wanna fight me, fucktard," Al said, taking a swing at him. The man easily dodged, but nearly fell over the side due to the fact that they were in the back of a moving truck. The other person in the back, a woman by the name of Jade Savage, smirked as she aimed the pistol at the man's foot and pulled the trigger. He screamed in agony, sending a glare in her direction.

"You little bitch!" He yelled, taking a swing at her. She tried to move out of the way but he cut her with the small knife, a small gash allowing some of her blood to seep through the sleeve of her shirt. She winced a bit and kicked him in the shin, causing him to lose his balance and topple over. At the sight of this the driver, a Miss Kanagaki Kaori, pressed her foot more onto the gas. Al and Jade grabbed onto the top of the car just in case as the man with them screamed, rolling off the back and landing on the ground with a thud.

Meanwhile, the man in the passenger's seat, the angry Canadian himself, Matthew Williams, had managed to take out two more cars by shooting out their front tires, causing them to skid out and flip over. One more to go. Speaking of said car, it was coming up on the driver's side. Kaori had to think fast because she knew that for the moment being, she was going to be their prime target. Matt must have sensed it too because her pushed her back and aimed out the window, shooting the car's window out. Seeing the people inside he growled, but Kaori was thinking out of the box. She knew this town like the back of her hand, and she knew all of it's twists and turns. She rounded a corner, looking back to see the car turn after her. With an almost permanent smirk etched onto her features, she sped up a bit more, watching as person behind her tried to catch up on the narrow street. It looked as though she was running into a dead end, but she wasn't worried.

"Uh, doll?" A worried voiced came from the small window. "You know there's a wall right there, right?" Al wanted to make sure his potential sister-in-law was in her right mind. Surely this wasn't a suicide mission or else it would have ended a long time ago.

"Don't worry about it," she called out, her grip on the wheel tightening and turning her knuckles pale. The wall was a mere few hundred meters away and was getting closer every second. Her brows furrowed, her teeth gritted, she laughed, almost manically. "Hang on guys!" Slamming onto the breaks some, she turned the wheel left and pressed the gas, nearly scraping the side of the truck against the brick wall but she managed to narrowly evade the instant death and lead the truck into the ally. Fortunately for them, the car behind them wasn't nearly as lucky, still a bit baffled at to what the hell just happened when they crashed into the wall head-on. Jade cheered and grabbed onto Al's arm as Kaori started to drive to the two girls' house.

It wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad either. It was a small, three bedroom thing with a basement and plenty of open space around them. They didn't necessarily live in the middle of the woods, but they were pretty damn near close. Parking the truck in the dirt driveway, Kaori took the key out of the ignition and the engine died out. Opening the door and stepping out, she yawned a bit. Grabbing her laptop, she walked up to the now open door and closed it behind her. She set her laptop on the coffee table, after pushing off a Canadian's dirty boots, and flopped onto the couch.

"I'm tired," she mumbled after stuffing her face into said Canadian's shoulder. He smiled a bit before lifting her up and sitting her in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he stuck his nose into her hair and inhaled a bit.

"I thought you would be used to this by now," Matt said with a sigh. "You've been doing it for a good year and a half." She nodded in agreement before laying in the crook of his neck.

"That doesn't mean I'm used to it." From the kitchen she heard the ding of the microwave and saw Jade walk out with a bag of chips and a sandwich. Laughing, she shook her head. "I don't know how you can eat this late and not have weird dreams." Jade just shook her head before sitting on the arm of he chair Al was in.

"Hey! Those dreams aren't all that bad!" Kaori chuckled before she looked at her friend's arm.

"You okay? I saw that guy had got you pretty good.." Jade just shrugged and looked down.

"I guess with all that adrenaline I forgot about it..." Kaori shook her head and pried Matt's arms from around her waist. Standing up, she took the food out her friend's hands before grabbing her by the arm, the uninjured one of course, and pulled her into the bathroom.

"Seriously, Jade. What would you do without me?"

"I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere," she said with a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of her neck. Kaori reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a needle and some thread. Jade looked at her with wide eyes. "Kanagaki... You are not giving me stitches. You know I hate 'em!"

"Whatever, just suck it up." Kaori grabbed her arm, gently but forcefully, and proceeded to stitch up the wound. Once she was done she looked up to see the tear-stained face of her best friend. She cooed a little, standing up and hugging her. "You big wuss," she said while laughing.

"Why do you hate me..."

They walked back into the living room, Jade going back to her food and Kaori back to Matt's lap. She sighed as she got comfortable. Closing her eyes and snuggling into Matt's neck once more, she slowly fell asleep right then and there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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