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It was dumb. I didn't need my best friend to tell me I should stop acting stupid over some chick. My crush on the little sophomore was plain stupid. Travis had one thing wrong. This wasn't a chick. This was a sexy little blonde guy with striking blue eyes. Everett Reynolds was not gay. I am a straight, red blooded American boy with a family of four brothers and one sister, an overbearing mother and a layer back Dad. I was a normal jock type- totally straight. Then why couldn't I get him out of my fucking head? I didn't even know his name.

"Come on." Travis kicks my foot, pulling me from my thoughts. I look up at roommate and raise an eyebrow.

"Amanda's party?" He reminds me.

"Shit, I forgot." I run a hand through my hair, quickly pushing my papers together on my desk. I grab my phone, slip it into my backpocket, my wallet, my flannel.

"Dude, everyone's already drunk- you're the one who's supposed to remind me." I mutter, pulling my shoes on as he opens the door, waiting with a annoyed frown.

"I don't have time to babysit- I was at class." He retorts, watching me pull my other shoe on in the hallway. He shuts and locks the door, both of us making our way down the hallway. His phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his pocket.

"Alice is impatient as fuck." He groans, pushing open the dormitory building's front doors. Alice's Honda was waiting right outside it, the low thump of the music could be heard from outside the car.

"Let's go!" She rolls the window down to yell. Travis takes the front seat and I open the back door. Lydia nods in greeting as I sit down. I honestly didn't want to go to the stupid party anyways but I guess I made the stupid commitment.

"Is Isla going?" I ask, wondering if I was gonna play bodyguard tonight or not.

"Yeah- and I think Knox is." Alice says over the music. Okay, maybe I am off the hook.

"Turn it up!" Lydia squeals when Neighborhood comes on. Travis has a thing for Alice and Lydia is gay, both are our go-to friends before most of our others. Plus Knox, Isla, and Ryder- all of which our only a few dorms away or across the campus. Sometimes it sucks to have them in the same place but sometimes it's the best.

"Fuck." Alice turns the music down as we approach a line of cars. I wasn't paying attention and look up to see the massive house at the end of the block that teenagers were walking up the lawn.

"Who is this chick?" I ask as Alice manages to squeeze in a small spot.

"Amanda- she's in my Business class." Lydia says, also looking at the giant mansion in awe. We get out of the car, walking towards the house. The music got louder with each step closer we got.

"This is fucking awesome." Travis snorts as he inspects the purple lights lining the driveway. People were congregated outside and could be seen on the inside through the massive windows. The garage was open, the giant room could easily fit six cars. Instead there was beer kegs, a beer pong game, a few couches and a speaker in the ceilings. Is this house made for parties or something?

"Ever!" Isla appears, her roommate's hand clasped in her own. I spot Know not far behind her.

"This party is nuts!" She yells over the music, clearly intoxicated. I look up at Knox and he gives me a 'don't worry, i got this' look.

"Go see the house- it's crazy." Knox nods towards the open door way into the house. Travis appears with a beer in his hand and I gladly take it. I follow Travis and Lydia in the house, Alice sticking with Isla. With the huge house came huge numbers of people. It's like the whole school is here.

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