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~Cani's POV~

I sat on the porch as it snowed peaceful out the only sound made was my breathing I felt numb. Today was my found day the day I was found by my papa. Shi was coming down from norway to visit me today. Today was suppose to be perfect but it wasn't it was December 24 and I was cold oh so cold my bones ached but I felt so light as if I could just disapear I already was so why not get it over with. I stared down at my hands they where so pale unhumanly pale it was abnormal but im not normal and I never was... They where right im divergent,unhumen,abnormal... Right as I was gonna continue on with my list I got a call from him my one and only I felt so bad he's gonna be alone...  Tear's started running down my face as I answered the phone and tried to sound as happy as I could.

''Bonjour Cani speaking...''

''Hey Cani excited about later im at the airport right now I should be there soon love you!!!''

''Love you to Shi... See you later...''

After that I hung up and sighed a little cloud of fog apeared it was so so cold outside and the snow continued to fall softly I stood up and walked inside and into the bathroom I turned the shower head  on the water cold I  stepped in the shower my clothes becoming heavy from the water it added on everything I was heavy my bones my clothes my heart... I grabbed the huge stone it was heavy and even more heavy of how weak I was I layed down as it laid on my chest my breathing was calmed as water hit my face I don't know why I had the stone it was gonna orignaly be used to drown myself but I gave up on that idea the stone rose and fell from each breathe until i pushed it off it was like a calming technique where u place something heavy on u and relax and that's what I did... I stood up and turned the shower head off and walked back to the porch as I waited for him and only him to arive... It got colder and colder by the minuite I slowly layed down everything was numb I could only feel empty and cold and so so lonely I wanted him with me I wanted him to hold me I wanted him to hold me close and say it was alright I needed him. I began to sob as I curled up into a ball in the doorway to the porch all I could do was heave as my breath felt lost my phone buzzed and it was all I heard my vision blurred and went blank and everything went silent as my mind filled with his warm hugs and smiles and the soft nothings he'd would whisper when we layed next to then everything faded like me I was done for I took my last heave of what i'd call a breathe  my body laid curled in a ball in the doorway as snow fell and everything was silent my skin unhumanly pale my once bright red eye's dull my once full of emotion face blank with tear stains my clothes soaked from water my freckles  looked blurred and my tattoo's where  and so was I. A blurred figure I was dead And the only noise to be heard was my phone buzzing then him and only him who called being sent to voicemail it was dead silent and snow fell on this very un faithful christmas eve...

~Shi's POV~

I stood in the airport at france I tried calling Cani but he didn't pick up so I just walked to his house hoping everything was good I was annoyed with him and I could feel my inner demons clawing at me and saying and taunting me everything was wronge but I ignored it and kept a smiling today was supposed to be perfect. Once I was a few houses away from Cani's I began to run and when I stopped I wasn't pleased with the sight there he layed dead his body curled into a ball in the doorway snow continued to fall slowly and everything was silent accept for my panting. Tears began to fall down my face as I stared his skin unhumanly pale his once bright red eyes dull his face who used to show so much emotion blank and tear stained clothes soaked. His freckles where blurred along with his tattoo's  he was a blurry figure on this unfaithful christmas eve... I ran up to him and took my jacket off and placed it on top of him and layed beside him my smaller body curled around him as I held him tight and sobbed into his cold soaked shirt he was dead. I was alone again it was quite to quite I missed him so much today was supposed to be perfect. I stared up at the sky my glasses fogged and I screamed until I could no longer scream until my throught hurt I continued to stare at the sky and slammed my fist on the porch till they bruised and started to bleed slightly. Tear's where streaming down my face I couldn't accept it he was dead and I couldn't do anything about it I looked back at him he was fading my lover and my only true love who ever treated me right was fading and dead and all i could do was sit and watch until nothing was left on the porch accept his clothing and wedding ring. I picked his clothes up and ring and walked inside and closed the door.

~Time skip~

I sat at the table in our house drinking a cup of coffee silently in silence pure silence it was snowing out peacefully it was December 24 the exact day he died it's been like 19 years since his death and ive never been the same ive been isolated and seprate from everyone else family friends and what not... I wore his sweater and his ring next to my ring and i'd even make him a cup of tea every day and chat to him I knew he was dead but somehow it kept me the  slightest bit sane still today was the day though I cleaned the house showered washed his sweater and my clothes made a nice dinner and everything even decorated the christmas tree and put presents under it. I went to sleep when I woke up I opened the presents and acted suprised and acted like he was with me our last christmas I spent the whole day talking to him until it came to the exact time he died I sat on the porch and said it loud and clear. 

''He is dead...'' I continued to repeat it and i was coming to acceptance of it...

''HE'S DEAD!!!!'' Was all I screamed over and over even when I could no longer scream I sat on my knee's blank faced I cried so much i could no longer cry all I could feel was pain snow dusted my hair and body as it fell. I began to punch the porch over and over until I decided to hit my head on it over and over and harder and harder i broke. My inner demons came to be and it was killing me I fell limp on the porch limp as blood dripped from my forehead I was dying and happy ill get to be with him my love... 

''Jeg elskar deg Cani forever...''

The end...

Hey hoped u like the story it was a gift for HoneyBudha_Chan my bestie and i thought why not make it she helped through 2 hours of writing and complained on how long it took to right within the 2 hours but its done and hope u enjoyed im sorry and not sorry love Portugal_England~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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