Health spells (Healing spells)

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Banish lll health
(To remove ill health from another person)

You will need the following items:

Casting instructions:
This is a very short, quick and simple spell to do.It can be done anywhere at any time (though during the waning period of the moon is best as that is the time for banishing magic).

All you need is yourself, an intent, a person in mind (it helps to have a picture of them if it is difficult for you to visualize them) and your finger ( Ill explain).

Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with your index finger. This is done by drawing a five pointed star backwards (the opposite direction you would normally draw it, not upside-down) Draw it while saying: Let this pentagram banish all ill health and negativity from (the persons name).There is no specific number of times you repeat this process, it becomes as many as you feel is enough.

Cleansing Bath
(Washing away negativity)

You will need the following items:
-pinch of basil
-pinch of thyme
-pinch of garlic powder
-handful of Epsom salts
-grinned dandelion root
-essential oils (optional)

Casting Installation:
Heat the water to be as hot as you can stand it. Once the bottom has been completely covered with water, add you basil, thyme, garlic powder and epsom salts. Stir the water around a few times and let the armoas take over your sense of smell. Add your essential oil(s) if you so choose and then sprinkle the grinded dandelion root directly in the middle of the tub.

Once you enter the tub, close your eyes and sink into it, ensuring your entire head remains above water. Breathe deeply, and concentrate on the aromas around you. Become aware of your own spirtual energy inside of you and feel with every breath it awaken more. Focus on your toes, feel the enegy flowing there and move up your body, becoming aware and alive everywhere. By this point you should be working up a sweat on your face. Visualize that sweat as the negativity leaving your body in a natural process. Continue to breathe deeply, focusing especially on the exhale as you should be visualizing the negativity leaving your body and your world through not only your sweat glands, but also your breath.

You are free to do this as long as youd like, however the longer you manage to lay there in this state of mind, as it is quite relaxing and at times trance inducing (if you have the right herbs). However, before you leave the bath tub, say to yourself in your inner voice The water has swept all of my negativity away.

Blue quartz cleansing
(Makes healing and powerful healing stones)

You will need the following items:
-3 Blue Quartz
-one bowl

Casting Instructions:
Now, place 3 blue quarts into the bowl of salt water and add some sage, next let them set for 5 mins or until dark. Once you've took out you 1st stone, just hold it in your left hand and say. "I say, this stone will be used for power." (3 times) Rinse the stone and dry it, now bring it back into the moon light, saying. "By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for power. (3 times) now take the 2nd stone and say "I say, this stone will be used for healing." (3 times) like before rinse and dry it, then take it back into the moon light and say "By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for healing." (3 times) now take your last stone in your left hand and repeat.

Basic healing

You will need the following items:
-red or black cord

Casting Instructions:
Bind the afflicted body part (arm, leg, hand, etc.) with the red or black cord. Tie it tightly and say:

I do not bind the (name the body part). I bind the disease residing there that it may leave the flesh and spirit of this person and enter the cord. Great Mother and Father, aid me in my work here. The disease is bound into the cord; only flames can release it hence! So mote it be!

Untie the cord, and throw quickly into the fire. Visualize the disease being destroyed, evaporating in the flames. This takes great concentration but is very effective.

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