Chapter 1

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Veronica POV

This hotel has nice elevators. I can see myself in the doors. I examine my long, black, wavy hair that falls around my chest and how it shapes my olive colored face. The few scars on my arms and shoulders are covered by makeup so that they pretty much look invisible if you aren't looking for them. I examine the silver, designer dress that sparkles as its length reaches the floor around my expensive heels. I stare at the jewels around my neck, ears, and wrist. I look great. A rare moment in which I feel pretty and don't completely hate myself. My stylist did a hell of a job.

The elevator pings and I walk out with my security detail as soon as the doors slide open. The minute that I step into the lobby, the receptionist bombards me with questions.

"Hi ma'am! How's your room? Is everything to your satisfaction? Did you sleep well last night?" she asks me sweetly as she bombards me with questions.

"Everything was lovely. Thank you," I respond.

"Oh everything was lovely. Why thank you so much," an obnoxious voice mocks me. I look forward at my horrendous co-star, Theo James.

Theo James is the most arrogant, selfish, obnoxious, narcissistic jerk I have ever met. According to the media, he had an affair on his now ex-girlfriend, Layla Kearney, who played a small role in our movie. Now, he is so cold and detached from anyone and anything. Personally, I cannot stand cheaters. Knowing that you've broken someone's trust is bad, but ruining their outlook on love is worse.

I roll my eyes at him and keep my focus on watching outside. A car is supposed to be on its way to pick us up.

Not even a full minute later, a black limo rolls up to the front door. A man in a black suit gets out of the driver's seat and holds up a sign with our names on it. Theo walks out ahead of me and I follow. He holds my door open for me as I get in. As annoying as he is, he has his moments.

"Thanks," I say as he scoots in next to me.

"I know, I'm a delight," he says as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He always has to go and ruin it.

"Do you have to smoke in here?" I ask.

"I don't have to but I want to," he replies. I scowl and roll my window down. He reaches over me and rolls it back up. I glare at him.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"It's cold," he says without looking at me.

"So? Just because you want lung cancer doesn't mean I do," I snap at him.

"Lung cancer. My God you're so dramatic," he says.

"And you're annoying and inconsiderate," I say.

Before long, we pull up to the foot of the red carpet that lays in front of the movie theatre. As soon as the driver opens my door, the paparazzi swarms Theo and I as we exit the vehicle. The two of us make our way down the carpet and stop to get our pictures taken. We also make sure to sign a few autographs and take selfies with fans before finally making our way to the front doors. Once we get there, one of the managers of the theatre hands Theo and I each a microphone. I look over to my manager, Camille, who is standing close by. As soon as she nods her head, I begin to speak.

"Hi guys!" I say into a microphone. The audience erupts into screams and cheers that never fail to make me smile. My fans are the best. "Welcome to the premier of 'Off With Your Head!'" I finish.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight. We hope you enjoy!" Theo chimes in. We hand our microphones back to the people standing on the side of the red carpet. Theo's arm snakes around my waist as he leads me into the theatre.

"Not too bad, m'lady," he says as he takes his seat. I roll my eyes from mine. Once we're comfortable, everyone else is allowed inside the theatre. A few minutes pass by as the massive crowds all pile in to seats.


As quickly as the movie had started, it ended. Soon, Theo and I were back in the car, on our way back to our hotel. I quickly head to my room because as fun as premiers are, they are also exhausting. This is only the first one. The knowledge that we have so many more left to go both excites and terrifies me. Theo and I enter the elevator and lean back against the wall.

"Well that was-," he starts.

"Exhausting," I finish.

"Yeah," he says. He turns his head to look at me.

I'm too busy leaning my head back with my eyes closed to notice at first, but once I do, I say "what?"

He shrugs and says, "nothing."

"Nothing," I say in a deep voice, mocking him.

"Shut up," he says. I chuckle.

"Whatever," I respond. I roll my eyes and lean my head back again. That's when the elevator pings and the doors slide open to reveal our floor.

"After you, m'lady," he says with a gesture. I walk out and go inside my room. The sight of the bed is so comforting. I just want to lay in it but I know that if I lay down now, I won't be getting back up for several hours.

I begin to undress, starting with my bracelet and necklace. Then, I move on to my dress and shoes, but before I do, I look at myself and can't help but point out every possible imperfection. My nose is too big, my face is getting puffier, my eyes are not quite almond shaped but not round either, it's an awkward in between. I will say though, Twyla did a good job. My stylist always does a good job.

Everyone is always telling me how beautiful I am but I don't see it at all. I was even voted Vogue's hottest star of the year for the last two years in a row. I just don't understand. Is there something I'm missing? Something that makes me so stunning it's hard to look away? What is it they see that I cannot?

Oh well. I just need to stop dwelling on it. I hop in the shower and attempt to wash away all of the insecurities. I feel my eyes drift shut.

The front door opens and slams shut "Ronnie!" he yells in his drunken rage. It's always worse when he's drunk. "Veronica! Do not make me say it again," he yells. His footsteps pound up the stairs, looking for me.

My eyes open again. I shudder from the horrible memories. I finish quickly after that and get out. The flashbacks always put a damper on my moods. I really shouldn't take too long anyways. We have to travel again tomorrow. My hand reach for a towel to dry off my hair and body. Once I'm sure I'm not soaked, I quickly locate and put on my pajamas. I walk out of the bathroom and collapse on the bed in my wonderfully comfy pajamas.

My hand reaches for the television remote and turns the TV on. Often, I find I can't fall asleep without background noise or some kind of light in the room. Tonight however, I don't think it'll take much. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Hopefully my mind is too tired for any nightmares.

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