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"Already here a day and he's already sleeping with Britney," Alex says 

"Everyone sleeps with Britney on their second day" I mutter 

"Stop speaking so low no one can hear you" Alex complains

"That's the point" I answer

"Aren't you supposed to be buddying him?" he asks

"Yes but I think he can get around" 

Me and Alex laugh as Britney tries to put her arms around his waist but he declines her. 

We watch as Jace ignores Britney and walks over to us with his lunch. He sits himself down right next to me and starts munching on his sandwich. Me and Alex are looking at him he looks up realizes that were staring at him. 

"What?" he asks

 "Screwing Britney I see," Alex says

"Easy lay" he answers looking back down to his sandwich

"She's getting attached," I tell him taking a bite out of my burger

"Can't deal with that" he says and storms off leaving his lunch tray at the table. 

"Nice conversation bro can't wait to have another one of those" Alex yells back at Jace

"Jerk" I mutter

"Hot jerk," a voice says from behind me

I turn around and see Emily standing behind me sucking at a cherry lollipop.

"A very hot jerk" she takes off her leather jacket and throws it on the closest chair. She grabs the chair and sits on it sucking on her cherry lollypop with one hand.

"Welcome back Emily are you back to ruin more lives?" I ask

"No I changed," she says flicking her blonde curls. 

Me and Alex both laugh at that.

"Wait until Ian sees you he's gonna flip"

Emily was one of the challenges Ian and Kathryn had to get over. Once when Kathryn had moved away from our town for a while Ian met Emily at a support group. Him being a boy who was intrigued by Emily's nature and her being a girl who didn't give a fuck they fell in love. Kathryn had no idea about Emily and no one dared to tell her but one day when she came home intending to surprise Ian she found Emily half naked on the couch.

Emily left town right after never looking back until now. She left Ian broken hearted and with a very pissed girlfriend. 

"Why are you back here Emily?"

"Thought it was time to come back didn't you miss me J?"  she asks getting up from her chair and chucking it away making a loud noise

"Not so much" I answer

Emily comes closer to me making me take in her outfit. Her black tank top is hugging her waists and her signature leather pants and high black combat boots. Emily's style was edgy and rocky making every girl at Georgetown high want her wardrobe.

"Ah, but you did because I know your little secret that you wouldn't want to be spread around" she whispers in my ear making me shiver. 

I look up at her and spot her sweetly smiling. She takes her leather jacket from the seat and puts it behind her shoulder she walks away from us not even saying goodbye. I watch her throw her signature cherry lollypop into the bin. 


"She's back," Alex says stunned 

She most definitely is.

⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 

Being in school for more than 10 years I've learned that maths stands for Mental Abuse To Humans. I've never been good at maths but it one of those subjects that everyone hates but you still have to ace. 

30 minutes into the lesson I've already thought about mental suicide. I never understood the nerds and the geeks wearing I love pi shirts. It's just a number.

While I'm sitting in the middle row staring at the numbers scribbled on the board Jace was flirting with his next target in the back row.

"Miss Norman and Mr Graham please stop flirting with each other at the back of my classroom and focus on the work that's on the board" my grumpy maths teacher yells 

"Sorry she's just so beautiful" I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Well Mr Graham you can admire Miss Norman during detention after school today," My maths teacher says making Jace grunts

"Oh and everyone listen up; I will be assigning the groups for the assessment coming up next lesson, get ready and pray that you're with someone you like" my teacher adds


At those words, everyone rushes out of their seats and runs out of the door. 

My first crush as a TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now