Toad and his Lies

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Bigby’s last thought was kind of a blur after he was knocked out. A ringing had filled his ears and as he woke up he heard Snow’s voice. Bigby slowly opened his eyes and saw that Snow was bent down and was staring down at him from the concrete ground of an alley.

Snow was watching over Bigby with careful eyes since he was knocked out. “You almost looked peaceful.” She lightly smiled at him.

Bigby sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Yup.”

Snow looked around the alley: the ground was filled with garbage and musk. “Except you’re lying in a dirty alley.” She pointed out as he tilted her head and looked more closely at Bigby. “With an open wound on your head.”

“Yup.” Bigby murmured once again. “Where’d they go?” Bigby rubbed his eyes, sighing.

“Well,” Snow stood back up and looked down at Bigby, giving a pained facial expression. “After the one guy hit you, and the other one finished kicking you…”

“That explains the ribs…” Bigby groaned.

“Then they jumped in a car and drove off.” Snow looked to the street then back to Bigby and put her hands on her hips. “Come on. Get up.” Snow told Bigby as he slowly stood back up on his feet. “We should check in on Toad. See if there’s anything there that can get us back on the trail.”

Bigby nodded his head and tightened his tie, and they were off.

The Woodsman’s Apartment                                                                                                                              

South Bronx

~ Early Morning

“-And we ended up going out the window and I landed on Toad’s car.” Bigby told Snow as they walked to the front entrance of Toad’s apartment.

“You guys made a big mess.” Snow said, looking at Toad’s destroyed car then to the window that was crashed from Bigby and Woody the night earlier.

“Yeah…” Bigby agreed. “It looks worse in the day.”

Snow looked up to the jacked up window and then looked back at Bigby.”I don’t think anyone’s here…”

Bigby growled. “We came all this way for nothing…” Bigby opened the front door to the apartment to hear the muffled sounds of someone crying echoing the hallway. It was coming from Toad’s apartment. Bigby raised an eyebrow at Snow and walked over to Toad’s door.

Before knocking on Toad’s the door, she turned to Bigby and asked, “Is that his son crying?”

“Toad’s? I think.” Bigby assumed.

Before Bigby went to knock on the door, Snow lightly put her hand on his chest. “Be nice in there, okay?”

Bigby nodded. “Hey Toad, you in there?” Bigby shouted and pushed his hand on Toad’s front door and opened it to see TJ, Toad’s son, crying and walking in another room, and Toad walking over to them on alert as soon as the door opened.

“Bigby! … and Miss White!” Toad said, sounding surprised and nervous at them being there. “Surely you didn’t come all this way just for my bother!” Toad scratched the back of his head, real nervous like. After a moment of silence, Toad continued to talk. “Sorry, Bigby. It’s embarrassing to have to admit, but, eh, I thought there was someone else in Woody’s place. There wasn’t though, not when I checked—“ Toad quickly said. “Nothin’ but a leaky drain pipe. Imagination must have got the best of me. So, ya know, false alarm.”

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