4. Sweet Guy

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~Present day~

•Lucy's P.O.V•

I smiled grabbing all my things from my locker. It was a great first day of school actually. I shut my locker door, and headed to the exit of the school.

"Hey Lucy!" I heard a mans voice call to me.

"Oh hi Gray, what's up-" Gray interrupted me quickly.

"Can I walk with you?" I nodded raising my eye brow.

"Sure?" He smiled with a happy sigh.


"So your looking for an apartment, eh? Good thing we don't have homework today." I giggled.

"Yeah I would be dead." He laughed brushing his black hair with his fingers. I stopped in front of a apartment building five stories high. I was smiling with hope. Gray stopped in front of it too.

"That was quick." We laughed, and I ran quickly to the door.

I unpacked quickly as Gray looked at how big the apartment was.

"Wow, this is big." I giggled finishing up small touches. I finally finished.

"Alright! So I got an apartment, and unpacked, now all I need it food, and a job." I checked counting with my fingers.

"There's a grocery store right around the corner."

We walked slowly inside the grocery store. It was way bigger then my apartment. I grabbed a cart, and pushed it ile through ile.

I bought all the things I need with the help of Gray. Gray carried all the heavy stuff for me. How sweet of him.

"Thanks for helping me, Gray." I said softly.

"No problem." I smiled happily.

"I guess I'm finished!" I stood in front of him with a big smile on my face. "The lady said I could work at the grocery store!" Gray smirked at my excitement.

Gray helped me put away my groceries, and tried to clean a little too, but I did most of the cleaning. Me, and him were beat.

"Thanks for all your help Gray." He shrugged.

"Just thought I can give a helping hand, you couldn't carry all those heavy groceries could you." I pouted at him.

"I could too!" He laughed, as I bid him good bye. What a sweet guy.

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